My wife and I are both Catholic. We both understand the churches teachings on birth control and condems. We have not used any birth control for some time, but we have used condems. I tried so hard to use the “my consience says I should use them” excuse for some time. We are below the poverty line and already have one daughter. I thought by telling myself that “we cannot afford to raise another child properly” I could get away with it, but before long I started feeling “guilty” everytime we used them. Recently, I told my wife that I just could not use condems anymore. i probably did not pick the right time and setting to start this conversation with her, but I just couldn’t do it anymore. We both believe that intamacy between spouses is important to a heathly marriage, but this is starting to tear us apart. She says we cannot have a sexual relationship without the use of condems (for multiple reasons). I tell her that is fine. As hard as it is for me, I think that I can “do without” until we resolve this issue, but she says that this might end our marriage. I don’t know what to do at this point. Any advice would be greatly appriciated.