Confession and pardon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susandev
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I am a returning Catholic and I have fallen in love with Our Lord and His Celestial Court.
I have not yet read all the rules and need help understanding confession.
I have been absolved for all “my past sins including those I didn’t remember”
Truth be told, after many years living in sin there are many I have committed and I am sorry for.
I cannot stop remembering some that I had completely forgotten and others that keep creeping up.
What do I do? Do I confess the ones I remember or are all sins from the past forgiven?
This could help too:
Ask a Priest Anything...about Confession! Liturgy and Sacraments
I have offered similar threads before in the Lounge, but this one I will open up to the general public. What is it you’d like to know about confession? I will answer questions, with two caveats: I will not answer questions that arise from scrupulosity, as this will not be helpful. I will not violate the sacramental seal, directly or indirectly. Obviously. Feel free to ask what you’d like, and I will answer as best I can! And perhaps @InthePew could offer his (name removed by moderator)ut as …
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