Confession and Sincerity

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I have often heard that absolution is based on the sincerity of the sinner. If one isn’t really sincere, then the absolution does not take affect.

Now, I will admit that there have been not a few times that I have gone to confession and fell so fast afterwards that I don’t even know when I should attempt to go again.

It seems that although I thought I was sincere when I went to confession… maybe I wasn’t, otherwise it wouldnt’ have been so easy to sin.

Also, I am sure this is not a case of scrupolousity (sp?) because the case is clear cut. I simply just have a hard time living a Catholic life.
i do not know the answer to your question, buddy, i’m sorry… but i can give u alil advice (or try to, at least)… k, one thing that’s always helped me out when goin to confession is a complete examination of concience. it makes you more fully aware of the sins that you’ve commited. i also like to reflect on the passion, death, and ressurection of our Savior. i relate that to the sins that i’ve committed, and how God is always there to help me out, reguardless of how big a jerk i may have been to him. i also take time to pray about my struggles. pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit, pray for the intercession of St. Michael, the Archangel, and pray for Hope. Never give into despair and tell yourself that you can’t defeat your sins or addictions. Lemme tell ya, it’s not easy, and you won’t be able to do it alone. But, Praise God, we don’t have to go the way by ourselves. He is always with us, and He isn’t goin anywhere! But ask for Hope, which is the complete and utter opposite of despair, that you may find the strength and courage to defeat your addictions!

i dunno if that helped at all, or if i’m even allowed to post that here in the apologetics forum, but oh well… i’m prayin for ya! take care and God Bless ya!
Man can I relate. But don’t stop going to confession, we just need to find a way to eliminate some of the reasons to go.

I am trying to combat that falling-off-the-wagon so quick problem by trying to examine my conscience nightly. It’s helping me because, when I do it enough, I am more aware when I’m repeating a sin. Hopefully this means I’ll be more on guard and eventually better. But I am a work in progress, that’s for sure.

And thank God for confession; right after I fall down I can get back up and start over.
Flounder & RebirthFlame:

Thanks for your advice… It will help me a lot!

Does anyone else have more advice for reoccurring sin?
I have often heard that absolution is based on the sincerity of the sinner. If one isn’t really sincere, then the absolution does not take effect.

Now, I will admit that there have been not a few times that I have gone to confession and fell so fast afterwards that I don’t even know when I should attempt to go again.
As long as you have sorrow for your sins and firm purpose of amendment, the absolution take’s effect; even if you were to relapse into the same sin soon afterwards.

The best book on Confession that deals with the spiritual life and this Sacrament is Pardon and Peace by Fr. Alfred CP. It talks about reasons why some Confessions don’t bare good fruits, even if they are valid, and the common mistakes people make in receiving the Sacrament.

The Sacrament needs three things for validity:

Firm Purpose of amendment,
Proper confession of sins to the priest,

In all of this, more time should be given to stirring up within your heart perfect contrition, because (according to this book) the Sacrament of Penance’s effect is proportioned to the intensity of your sorrow and contrition. Next, you should spend more time in the area of firm purpose of amendment; not just a general saying to yourself, “I won’t sin again” but making concrete resolutions on how and what means and methods you will use in order to avoid the specific sin you are going to confess (it is the lack of attention given to this part, that often causes relapses back into the same sin). The least time you should be spending your preparation on, is the actual confession of your sins. It should take no more then 5 min to examine your conscience and prepare for the actual numeration of the sins, in kind and number (assuming of course, you go regularly and haven’t been away for years).

The book goes into more but one of the points it make’s is that It’s usually the lack of attention given to contrition and firm purpose of amendment that weakens the effects that the Sacrament has on the soul and hence the relapses back into the same sin over and over again.

thank you Miguel for your response as well… I think to be perfectly honest… I haven’t taken many measures to assure myself of not falling into the same sin again. I think my mindset has been “okay I will try my best not to fall again” but without thinking any further than that… Without setting a “plan of attack” or anything…

pray for me. 🙂
I have often heard that absolution is based on the sincerity of the sinner. If one isn’t really sincere, then the absolution does not take affect.

Now, I will admit that there have been not a few times that I have gone to confession and fell so fast afterwards that I don’t even know when I should attempt to go again.

It seems that although I thought I was sincere when I went to confession… maybe I wasn’t, otherwise it wouldnt’ have been so easy to sin.

Also, I am sure this is not a case of scrupolousity (sp?) because the case is clear cut. I simply just have a hard time living a Catholic life.
Many of us share this problem I suspect. A priest had me say the rosary as a penance. He said do the best you can and it doesn’t have to be perfect. I now say the rosary daily. What a powerful weapon it has become. May I also suggest concentrating on every word you pray and the mysteries of the rosary. Thanks to Padre pio I meditate on the sorrowful mysteries every day. I am beginning to experience and understand Gods’ love for us in the most powerful way I ever imagined! Meditating daily on the passion of Jesus-I use a small visual rosary prayer guide very effective. May I suggest a small 100 page book “The Practice Of The Presence Of God” by brother Lawrence. A Catholic bookstore will have this book. I always thought I just need to be stronger, just try harder etc. My recent understanding is I am not going to be any stronger under my own power but The power of God is available to work in my life now. I am able to go to Mass daily.
Jesus wants to be in your life more. I will remember you in prayer.
hey, james! Rebirth again… hey, i dunno what kind of reccurring sin you have, and that’s ok, cuz what it is isn’t the point…

but here’s something that i think would help a bunch for ya, and when you’ve gone to confession before, a priest might have already told you this, but i’ll say it anyway…

ok, so, obviously if it’s a reoccuring sin, it’s some sort of habit (not to overstate the obvious or anything 🙂 ). one thing that helps to get rid of vices, or bad habits, is to pin-point what makes you commit that reoccuring sin. Something drives you, or fills you, with a desire to commit that sin. if you can figure out what it is, like watching a certain program on tv, or at a certain time of day or whatever, you can work to bring yourself away from your temptations. so like if at a certain time of day, you usually do something cuz you have nothing else to do, make sure you have something to do at that time. or if watching a certain tv program makes you sin, don’t watch that tv show anymore. instead, replace that time with something constructive, like reading or exercise or prayer or something. once you can figure out what makes you want to sin, you can start correcting that part of your life. It won’t be easy, especially if your reoccuring sin has been ongoing for a while now, but don’t despair! Jesus will help you through it, but first you have to let Him. Figuring out what brings about your actions is a good way to start!

Good luck! i’m prayin for ya!!!
take care and God Bless!!!
I have often heard that absolution is based on the sincerity of the sinner. If one isn’t really sincere, then the absolution does not take affect.

Now, I will admit that there have been not a few times that I have gone to confession and fell so fast afterwards that I don’t even know when I should attempt to go again.
I know what you mean! Sometimes I look at myself and feel like :banghead:

As has been stated in an earlier response, if your motivation for confessing is that you regret your sin and want to avoid it in the future, then your absolution is valid. I suspect that the fact you raise the question and feel enough guilt that you question whether or not you should return to confession shows that you have the right frame of mind to receive absolution validly (of course, it’s not my judgement that counts).

As far as when you should go again goes, as soon as possible after you have committed the sin. If you find that you are constantly falling into the same sin, then take to heart the Church’s teaching about removing yourself from the near occasion of sin. Find what is tempting you and remove it from you (or yourself from it) as much as you possibly can. Pray for the grace of perserverance and go to Confession as soon as possible whenever you need it. Also consider getting a spiritual director to help you in discussing ways to amend your life.

David W. Cooney o)
If you are sincere when you confess you’re absolution is valid. Later if you discover you forgot something, or felt you weren’t contrite enough tell you confessor when you go to confession. It is possible to be too scrupulous. It’s the priest charism to say if he believes that is the case. If you are confessing regularly, and striving to sin no more you are forgiven.
I am going to a parish for Eucharistic Holy Hour and Confession tomorrow, I would like to thank everyone for your posts as I skimmed them, really really helpful. I can definitly emphasize with the poster, one sin in particular, that I keep backsliding into and at times I feel so hopeless and forsaken. It can be tough, just have to really turn to God and beg for his assistance.

God Bless
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