TAN Books publishes the entire canons and decrees of Trent. Session 25 explicitly refers to abuses of indulgences, even while defending indulgences themselves. Anyone who tries to deny that there were real and scandalous abuses has the words of the Council to explain. The Fathers of Trent seemed to think there were serious abuses. Innocent VII (1389-1404) is suspected of having trafficked in indulgences as Pope. (I got that from a Catholic source - “The Popes”, by E.John (1964).
The translation is that of H.J.Schroeder O.P, “The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent”, TAN Books 1978. It should not be confused with the translation by Canon Waterworth, also republished by TAN, which is to be found in the TAN book “Dogmatic Canons and Decrees”. This is a collection of the doctrinal and dogmatic parts of Trent - it does not, unlike Schroeder’s book, include the decrees for the reform of the Church which are included in the sessions of the Council. “Dogmatic Canons and Decrees” also includes the 1864 Syllabus of Errors and the definitions of Vatican I.
Session 21 chapter 9:
“Since many remedies heretofore applied by different councils, those of the Lateran [Lateran V (1512-17) ? ] and Lyons [it is not clear which one] as well as that of Vienne [in 1312], against the pernicious abuses of quaestors of alms, have in later times become useless, and since their depravity is, to the great scandal and complaint of the faithful, found to be daily so much on the increase that there seems no longer to be any hope of their amendment left, it is decreed that in all parts of Christendom their name and service be henceforth absolutely abolished and in no wise shall they be permitted to exercise such an office; any privileges granted to churches, monasteries, hospitals, pious places, and to any persons of whatever rank, state, or dignity, or any customs, even though immemorial, notwithstanding. With regard to indulgences or other spiritual graces of which the Christian faithful ought not on this account to be deprived, it is decreed that they are in the future to be announced to the people at suitable times by the local ordinaries aided by two members of the chapter. To these also the authority is given to collect faithfully and without fee the alms and chritable contributions offered them so that all may understand that these heavenly treasures of the Church are administered not for gain but for piety.”
(Schroeder p.142)
Session 5 Chapter 2 in June 1546 had restrained quaestors (Schroeder p. 28) - now, 16 years and a month later, the Fathers of the Council are making a clean sweep.
Session 25 chapter 21
Session 25 in December 1563 says:
“…But desiring that the abuses which have become connected with them, [indulgences, which are being regulated by the decree here quoted] and by reason of which this excellent name of indulgences is blasphemed by the heretics, be amended and corrected, it [the council] ordains in a general way by the present decree that all evil traffic in them, which has been a most prolific source of abuses among the christian people, be absolutely abolished…”
(Schroeder p.253, 254.) ##