How often would priests confess? Would they commit the same mortal and venial sins as normal people?
You think that priests are not normal people?Would they commit the same mortal and venial sins as normal people?
I’ve heard anything from weekly, to bi-weekly, to monthly. I’m sure there are some that do it more or less often, but I bet that captures the majority.How often would priests confess?
Yes, with some exceptions. For example, not praying the divine office would be a sin for a priest, but not for a layman. Also, I bet they miss mass less often.Would they commit the same mortal and venial sins as normal people?
Yes they would commit the same sins. The apostles abandoned Jesus at his passion (except John) and one of them denied he was Christian 3 times and he was the first pope. This same pope also was called satan by Jesus himself.How often would priests confess? Would they commit the same mortal and venial sins as normal people?