Confidence that I am following God's will - Help me with this please

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If I am continuously praying about a certain situation(s) and I place it(them) in God’s hands, can I in confidence continue my present course of action and assume that whatever steps I choose to take are in keeping with God’s will (assuming that he has not presented me with any obvious signs as to how to proceed next).?

What I mentioned above can apply to any situation in my life. However, in case what I said was not clear, here are some examples.

Situation #1:

I am experiencing some unusual physical symptoms. My doctor & a specialist have done all the testing they felt necessary; everything came back negative. However, I know what I feel is not normal. To proceed on is a daunting task. Which specialist should I choose next? I pray on this and don’t get led in any specific direction. So I just move on assuming that God is guiding me through the choices I am making. Can I assume here that these choices are the choices God wants me to make since He hasn’t led me in a more obvious manner?

Situation #2:

I continuously pray for guidance as to how to guide my children ever closer to Him and how to discipline/train them? Since I have not received any hit me over the head with a frying pan revelations on these matters, I just have to continue on as I am doing assuming that what I am doing is acceptable to God. Is this a correct assumption to make?
Have you considered talking to a priest for advice and or direction? Even a trusted friend or loved one may give you guidance in addition to your prayers.In Christ,
Quaere Verum said:
If I am continuously praying about a certain situation(s) and I place it(them) in God’s hands, can I in confidence continue my present course of action and assume that whatever steps I choose to take are in keeping with God’s will (assuming that he has not presented me with any obvious signs as to how to proceed next).?

Simple answer: Yes, if you’ve truly abandoned yourself to God.

Those that have completely abandoned themselves to God cannot allow themselves to question, turn back, or consider the consequences, the causes, or the reasons. Everything must be left behind, forgotten, and surrendered to Him. You must look at it as if your friend is going to take a journey, and instead of your friend going, you take his place. So it is with God. He makes the journey for you.

I don’t know where you’re at in your prayer life, or how you pray. For me, most of my prayer is spent not in words, but in silence. It is in the silence that I hear God most clearly. Many mystics have said that “Silence is the language of God.” I believe this. While I am fully confident that God can make the sky light up with fiery arrows that are put there to point the way, my experience tells me He most often speaks in the silence…in the “gut” feeling you get nudging you to go one way instead of another…in the “whisper” in your ear urging you forward. Sometimes we speak so much in our prayer that we can’t hear what God is trying to say to us. Whenever I’m faced with a “crisis”, it is then that I don’t speak at all.

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