Confimation: Thoughts?

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As I am going to be confirmed in may, just wanted to hear some thoughts or ideas on how i can spiritually prepare myself for it. Obviously prayer, but just wanted to hear your thoughts.
Focus upon the Holy Spirit… IMO, He is the most neglected person of the Trinity.
Realize that the Apostles went out and made disciples after their Confirmation at Pentecost- and so should you.
Reccieve the Eucharist as often as you are able, go to confession frequently (minimum of 1 time a month, as soon as possible if you are in grave sin, more is strongly encouraged by the Church), and foster a personal prayer life in Christ.
Its a great grace- be excited!
  1. If you don’t have a subscription to, get one.
  2. then watch at least the following on FORMED:
  • Symbolon
  • The Wild Goose is Loose
  • Forgiven
  1. And watch any number of Catholic movies on FORMED too.
NOTE: if you can’t afford the $9 per month for a FORMED subscription and if your parish doesn’t have one, then you can watch “The Wild Goose is Loose” series for free at:

God bless
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Pay attention in class. Resolve to not stop learning about the faith Ever. Don’t ever feel like you are totally educated. Be open. Frequent Mass. Don’t stop attending Youth Group. Be a leader in your Newman Center at college.

I’m also being confirmed in May! Everyone here has pretty well covered it but I’ll add reading the New Testament. Take your time and really focus on what Jesus and the Apostles were teaching and how they acted toward each other and everyone else. They are our examples as we move forward in the faith.
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