Confirmation Gift?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jessamy
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Hi all,

My brother is going to be baptized and confirmed into the Church this Easter. I would really like to send him something to show my support of him, since I can’t attend the ceremony. (It’s across the country.) We grew up in an athiest family and my parents, while not hostile about his newfound religious beliefs, are not especially excited about this either… and probably won’t think to congratulate him.

I am not Catholic (though I may be headed in the same direction) so I don’t what would be appropriate.

What is something that a new Catholic should have upon confirmation? How about a good book for him to read? His wife is Catholic, so he has access to the basics like Bible and catechism.

Thank you in advance for your recommendations.
A statue of his patron saint (or a picture or medal) is always a good idea. If his wife is already Catholic, she will probably have a Bible in the house, but how about getting him his own? “The One Year Bible” or “The Catholic Answer Bible” are both good choices (both by Our Sunday Visitor). The One Year Bible has the entire Bible broken down into daily readings so he finishes reading it in one year. The Catholic Answers Bible has sections that answer questions about the Catholic Faith and its practices (with Scripture citations).

A rosary is a good gift idea, too, especially if you find one that has special significance (like one made in the Holy Land), and even if he has one, it doesn’t hurt to have an extra one and this will be very special because it came from YOU!

God bless you for your love and support of your brother and I’m praying for you and your journey as well!
A rosary is a good gift idea, too, especially if you find one that has special significance (like one made in the Holy Land), and even if he has one, it doesn’t hurt to have an extra one and this will be very special because it came from YOU!
One of the things I first learned when starting RCIA, from my instructors is this: You can NEVER have to many rosaries. LoL. I’m not even confirmed yet and I have four, but like you said, each one is different, someone different gave it to me, they all have their place and purpose, so I love more rosaries. I second the recomendation for a rosary.

I also second the recomendation for the patron saint ________(anything). Statue, medal, book written by the patron saint, etc.

Of course, you could get him a patron saint rosary and cover both bases. Like these:
He will probably have received a bible, catechism and rosary, but the best gift I can think of and what I suggest to parents adn sponsors is a Daily Roman Missal-the last prayerbook you will ever need.
He will probably have received a bible, catechism and rosary, but the best gift I can think of and what I suggest to parents adn sponsors is a Daily Roman Missal-the last prayerbook you will ever need.
I second this idea! It is an amazing resource.
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