confirmation retreat ideas

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Hi! I was hoping you guys could help me with something. We have a confirmation retreat coming up soon and we already have our guest speaker as well as our plans except for one thing we are stuck on. We are planning on having our kids go to confession as a group which I recall as being a meaningful experience in itself. The problem is, we are trying to think of a way to really emphasize the examination of conscience symbolically. Most of these kids have done the carrying of a brick at Steubenville and we have heard of writing your sins down and burning them. I was wondering if anybody in this community could offer any ideas as to what we could do. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hi! I was hoping you guys could help me with something. We have a confirmation retreat coming up soon and we already have our guest speaker as well as our plans except for one thing we are stuck on. We are planning on having our kids go to confession as a group which I recall as being a meaningful experience in itself. The problem is, we are trying to think of a way to really emphasize the examination of conscience symbolically. Most of these kids have done the carrying of a brick at Steubenville and we have heard of writing your sins down and burning them. I was wondering if anybody in this community could offer any ideas as to what we could do. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I hope you mean participating in a group Penance service and then individual Sacraments of Confession. Having a small group of 3 to 5 of them pick one of the Seven Deadly sins out of a bucket and put on a skit showing how it affected or harmed the others.

Focusing on the Early Church martyrs is always a good Confirmation retreat theme.
Hi! I was hoping you guys could help me with something. We have a confirmation retreat coming up soon and we already have our guest speaker as well as our plans except for one thing we are stuck on. We are planning on having our kids go to confession as a group which I recall as being a meaningful experience in itself. The problem is, we are trying to think of a way to really emphasize the examination of conscience symbolically. Most of these kids have done the carrying of a brick at Steubenville and we have heard of writing your sins down and burning them. I was wondering if anybody in this community could offer any ideas as to what we could do. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

well i dont think this has any thing to do with confession but its good
you mean a penance service followed by individual confession I hope.

breaking up into small groups, each with an assigned scripture that deals with one commandment, beatitude or deadly sin, and instructions to come up with a short skit, is a good prep. it should take no more than an hour to present all the skits. then after a short break, follow with a formal exam of conscience, led as a prayer service or responsorial format, followed by individual confessions (line up your priests early, they are very busy this time of year).
I have used the following examination very successfully with teens. I had the approval of our priest first and he allows them to take the “check list” to confession with them.
  1. Do you worship the “false gods” of status, consumerism or peer approval? ____ ___
    Do you ignore or avoid old friends in order to be part of the popular crowd? ____ ___
    Do you make unreasonable demands on your parents for clothes or money? ____ ___
    Do you feel that you have no responsibility to save for your college education? ____ ___
    Do you give support to your peers when they tell racial or ethnic jokes? ____ ___
    Do you show indifference toward the poor by thinking of them as “losers”? ____ ___
    Do you find it hard to see the value in those who are different from you? ____ ___
  2. Do you use language that you would never speak in front of your grandmother? ____ ___
    Is this choice prompted by the desire to fit in? ____ ____
  3. Are you irreverent and uninterested during Mass? ____ ___
    Do you fail to value your faith? ____ ___
    Do you fail make efforts to grow in faith? ____ ___
    Do you think Jesus would be disappointed with your efforts
    to know, love and serve Him? ____ ___
  4. Do you fail to thank your parents for what they do for you? ____ ___
    Do you fail to help around the house or do things to help without being asked? ____ ___
    If your parents are divorced, separated or widowed,
    do you fail to understand their pain or loneliness? ____ ___
    Do you try to impress others, yet have little sense of the needs of those in your family? ____ ___
  5. Do you fail to value your life and that of others? ____ ___
    Do you drink and drive or travel with those who do? ____ ___
    Do you use alcohol/drugs and pretend that doing so does not affect your grades,your self-respect or your relationships? ____ ___
    Have you ever hit your girlfriend or boyfriend? ____ ___
    Do you feel the need to control or humiliate someone you claim to care about? ____ ___
  6. Do you fail to keep yourself chaste in thought and deed? ____ ___
    Do you fail to respect God’s intended plan for sexuality to be expressed within the committed and sacred bonds of marriage? ____ ___
  7. Do you cheat on tests or homework assignments? ____ ___
    Do you ever shoplift? ____ ___
    Do you take things belonging to your parents, your family or other students? ____ ___
  8. Do you gossip or pass on rumors that hurt another’s reputation? ____ ___
    Do you fail to keep promises you make? ____ ___
    Do you lie to protect your own ego, even if someone will be hurt? ____ ___
  9. Are you envious of others? ____ ___
    Do you resent the popularity or success of others? ____ ___
    Do you feel you have to put others down in order to feel better about yourself? ____ ___
10.Do you resent your parents when they tell you that they cannot afford to buy the things that you feel you need to keep up with your friends? ____ ___
Do you fail to give of your own resources (time, talents, treasures) to support those in need? ____ ___

I’m not sure about a symbolic gesture, but thought I’d share the examination…

Kathy, the Examination of Conscience guide is excellent! Thank you for sharing that!
I would say something that involves the consequences of sin (especially damnation) and of cousre how Christ paid for sin with His blood.

Perhaps a meditation on one or both of these things
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