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Okay, I’m curious about what to wear for my confirmation. I’ve already been baptized. And I’m female. I’m also curious about what my male sponsor should wear. Is it nice enough he should wear a suit with jacket or what? And if I get confirmed at Pentecost should we wear red?
Okay, I’m curious about what to wear for my confirmation. I’ve already been baptized. And I’m female. I’m also curious about what my male sponsor should wear. Is it nice enough he should wear a suit with jacket or what? And if I get confirmed at Pentecost should we wear red?
Mercygate, your official Catholic Answers fashion police here.

See my answer in post #3 on another thread

Is this the most important day of your life since your baptism (wedding?)? Are you coming to your Lord with joy?

Do you own or can you afford a nice simple dress or suit? A lot of what you wear will depend on regional custom, your current wardrobe, and your wallet. If you routinely wear good suits to work, for example, then it wouldn’t be out of line to present yourself at the same level for Confirmation, though perhaps a touch more dressed up (not cocktail wear but good restaurant wear).

Unless your sponsor doesn’t own a suit, why wouldn’t he wear one? I hear that even stuffy professionals, like attorneys, in some regions of the country no longer wear suits & ties to the office. But in the urban Northeast (in more or less mainstream working-to-middle-class neighborhoods) a suit or sportcoat, slacks and tie would be the way to go.

Even though I love red, you couldn’t pay me to wear red for confirmation. I’m old. I remember when red was considered risque. But you could wear red even if you’re not confirmed on Pentecost. The traditonal color for Confirmation (as for baptism and first Communion) has always been white but you don’t need to wear white: hardly anyone does. And white has limited uses afaterwards. If you’re springing for a new dress or suit, you will get more wear out of something less attention-getting: blue maybe?

Godspeed. I had my confirmation dress ready 2 months before Easter! I wear it every Easter. I will be buried in it.
I’m wondering if he should wear a jacket with the suit though, or just a dress shirt with dress pants.
I’m wondering if he should wear a jacket with the suit though, or just a dress shirt with dress pants.
I don’t know where you are. Where we live, it isn’t a suit without a jacket. And as the old saying goes, “a gentleman never removes his jacket.” He also never unbuttons it.
Several points of personal prejudice: Closed shoes (plain pumps): No open toes or sling backs. Wear panty hose. Only pale or clear nail polish; no dark or bright colors.

Modesty, polish, finish.
I thought he was a guy, so I think the pantyhose and nail polish would be abit much, but what do I know. Modest. Clean. think “professional” or “job interview” in other words, how would you dress to make the best impression, to present yourself to others as you would wish them to see you, to say “this is important to me”. When you go to Church your dress indicates your level of respect for all those gathered together as the Body of Christ.
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