One idea that gets under my skin, often used as a rhetorical device by secularists, is that theists/religious people do not think for themselves and blindly follow authority. This is the opinion of many atheists and agnostics, such as H.P. Lovecraft and Ayn Rand. They give the impression that religion is anathema to independent thought.
I find such a claim not only wrong, but insulting. I was technically raised Catholic, but my family never prayed together or went to Mass consistently. I only went to confession twice in my life before I was eighteen. I came back to the Catholic Church of my own accord, and I’m the only active Catholic in my family. In other words, I wouldn’t be an active Catholic if I did not think for myself. To say I’m just a sheep because I’m religious would be intellectually dishonest.
Second, being a disciple of Christ (not just a nominal Christian) is arguably as anti-conformist is one could be. Jesus clearly and unambiguously says that “you will be hated by all because of My name”. Following the commands of Christ is radical. It is supposed to upset the apple cart. It is supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
“Break the conventions; keep the Commandments” -Chesterton
I find such a claim not only wrong, but insulting. I was technically raised Catholic, but my family never prayed together or went to Mass consistently. I only went to confession twice in my life before I was eighteen. I came back to the Catholic Church of my own accord, and I’m the only active Catholic in my family. In other words, I wouldn’t be an active Catholic if I did not think for myself. To say I’m just a sheep because I’m religious would be intellectually dishonest.
Second, being a disciple of Christ (not just a nominal Christian) is arguably as anti-conformist is one could be. Jesus clearly and unambiguously says that “you will be hated by all because of My name”. Following the commands of Christ is radical. It is supposed to upset the apple cart. It is supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
“Break the conventions; keep the Commandments” -Chesterton