My son is fifteen and is pretty solid in his faith for a teenager. He is going through the conformation process this year and has become increasingly upset with some of the things being said by the leader of his class, which happens to be his youth leader. He has been saying things such as “Genises is not facts it’s fable. Stories told to us to expain a point (ex. Noah didn’t live on earth and there was never a great flood but it is a story that is told to teach us that if we have faith in God and obey him, he will protect us and take care of us and that God always keeps his promises.)” I was floored by this. I must say that I grew up a fundamental babtist and have only been Catholic for around seven years now. I was taught growing up that the Bible is gospel. You just believe it and what it teaches. His leader also said that Adam and Eve were not “real” people, again, just a made up story. My son asked him if that were true then why do we believe in original sin and baptise our infants. His answer didn’t really answer anything and has left my son feeling more confused then anything. Most the kids in his class could care less what being confirmed is about and are only there because their parents make them go. No one stands up and questions what he is teaching and my son says the other children just take what he says as gospel because he is who he is. He also said that Revelations is not about the 2nd coming of Christ but was a made up story for the Jews at the time who were experianceing horrible things at that time so the could see that things could be much worse. I must be honest and say I really don’t know what the Catholic church teaches about Revelations and the 2nd coming but I’ve never heard it being described as a “storey to make the Jews feel better”. My question is… has anyone else heard of anything else like this? If these things are not true then how do I help my son to go and present it to the leader? Isn’t conformation suposed to reafirm what young people believe, not distroy everything they’ve believed to be true since they were young. I have never gone through the conformation process but I find these topics disturbing as an adult and wonder why they are being discussed with teenagers. Our family tends to be very conservative and we live in a very liberal diocese. I wonder if you could help me understand what is going on. Either I have missed something along the way or this leader is off base. PLEASE HELP!