After going through the annulment process myself, the only thing I can tell you is that each case is different.
It all depends on how long you were married, if you have children, how much information you provide to the tribunal,
if your spouse decides if they are going to participate in the annulment process.
Thankfully, in my case, my ex-wife had nothing to do with my annulment. She was sent all the information I received;
she could also go down to the tribunal office and view everything I had written about her and our marriage together,but she chose not to.
I was worried for a while after writing my paper; I call it a paper because I had to give specific details about our entire relationship together.
And I gave every detail that I could think of, including intimate details of our relationship. By the way, my paper was 76 pages long and I used
a normal sized font. The reason I was worried is because my ex-wife was unfaithful a few times in our marriage and I made note of that in the
paper. I started to worry afterwards because she was the type of person who would get angry and seek revenge on anyone who made her angry.
Anyway, to make a long story short, my annulment took roughly 15 months from start to finish. But again, that is because I wrote a very detailed paper,
my ex-wife was Protestant and decided not to participate and we did not have children.
That 15 months was very tough on me, physically and mentally, but after receiving the document from the tribunal stating that my marriage to my ex-wife
was null, it took so much stress out of my life and I was finally able to close that chapter of my life.
So, if you are wondering if it is worth it? I say yes, even though when my ex-wife and I seperated over three years ago, I said I would never get married again.
Guess what? I am getting married this September in the Catholic Church and I very happy that I had my previous marriage annuled.