Confused about refugee situation

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I’ve been hearing bits and pieces about the changes in the US refugee situation, but don’t know what’s true, and its full context.

Could someone clarify the change for me, please?

And what is the feeling among Catholics towards it?
With all respect, you might want to look at news sources to learn about it. Some here will exaggerate it, others will sugarcoat it. My suggestion.

As for Catholic opinion-Catholic leaders are against it. American catholic trumpets (it’s way easier that writing supporters) are not. The rest should be either against or neutral/confused/basically not enthusiastic about it
Regarding the media, while I would not go as far as calling their reporting fake news, it is heavily biased against the current administration. And you are right, this whole issue has been done before, evn by Obama…
Perhaps the best place to start is the executive order itself. Here is a link to it.

Wisdom of the policy aside, I have grave concerns about a president wielding this kind of authority. Such action might even be unconsitutitional. It definitely blurs the lines of separation of powers.
With all respect, you might want to look at news sources to learn about it. Some here will exaggerate it, others will sugarcoat it. My suggestion.

As for Catholic opinion-Catholic leaders are against it. American catholic trumpets (it’s way easier that writing supporters) are not. The rest should be either against or neutral/confused/basically not enthusiastic about it
I’m afraid I disagree with the bishops. They need to study just law doctrine and not take Pope Francis so literally. It has historically been a basic right of the state to prevent folk from immigrating to their nation for reasons of national safety. We can’t be nice to everyone who wants to enter our country; especially when we’re at war. Christianity doesn’t always dictate being “nice” to everyone. It’s as simple as that
With all respect, you might want to look at news sources to learn about it. Some here will exaggerate it, others will sugarcoat it. My suggestion.

As for Catholic opinion-Catholic leaders are against it. American catholic trumpets (it’s way easier that writing supporters) are not. The rest should be either against or neutral/confused/basically not enthusiastic about it
I would also suggest reading the executive order–it is available online. I’d also suggest multiple news sources and to be cognizant of their bias. Also read the US Constitution.
Perhaps the best place to start is the executive order itself. Here is a link to it.

Wisdom of the policy aside, I have grave concerns about a president wielding this kind of authority. Such action might even be unconsitutitional. It definitely blurs the lines of separation of powers.
Agree with the advice- read the order yourself, then go read from multiple sources with their various possible axes to grind what they see as upsides/downsides.

Executive Orders can be unconstitutional/unlawful. Several of Obama’s, including a couple on immigration, were found to be unlawful.

Executive Orders are supposed to be limited to directions on carrying out existing laws. President is the chief executive and it’s his responsibility to faithfully execute— via the multiple government executive agencies-- the laws congress passes.

Big problem is laws congress writes which leave a lot of discretion to the executive department in carrying them out. Congress often passes laws which are fairly broad with little in the way of detail. This is why executive agencies like Education Department, Labor Department, EPA, DoJ (and their subordinate agencies like DHS/ATF) pass lots of regulations ‘fleshing out’ congressional laws with details of how they’ll actually be applied. And those regulations have the force of law.

As long as the regulations or executive orders are consistent with the laws congress passes they’re constitutional (assuming the underlying congressional law is constitutional). If they contradict or exceed the authority granted within the law, they’re not lawful executive orders. Yes-- a lot of judgment and room for lawyers to argue with our system.

(ETA- sorry left out there is currently a debate about laws where congress ‘delegates authority’ to the executive agency in specific areas/issues, and whether congressional authority can be legally/constitutionally delegated to the Executive Branch at all).
I’ve been hearing bits and pieces about the changes in the US refugee situation, but don’t know what’s true, and its full context.

Could someone clarify the change for me, please?

And what is the feeling among Catholics towards it?
For 90 days we stopped admitting refugees from 7 Countries that were selected by Dept of State as supporters of terrorism, most are failed states. This does not affect immigrants, Muslim or otherwise from all other states. The targeted countries were picked by the Obama Admin last year.

Previously there was a multi year process for refugees to be admitted, which was shortened under Obama. The stated objective is to clean up our screening so that any future refugees are well vetted.

With an imminent crack down on ISIS, all sources expect the squeeze to lead to fighters trying to infiltrate and retaliate. These are countries were passports are easy to get and we don’t have access to reliable data on backgrounds of applicants.

I believe the EO also said Dept of State should prioritize victims of religious persecution for the limited refugee slots.

The total number of annual refugees was reduced back down to 50,000 annually, on par with Obama during his first term.
This is my understanding.

Refugees do not choose to come here. They have no say. They go through a years-long vetting process and then go where they are assigned. If using this system is what ISIS is counting on, they’re not very smart.

These people are escaping something none of us can imagine. Most of these people are women and children. Yes, we should take them in. Any country able to should.
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