Hello, I am a recent high school graduate who will be starting college this fall. As a background note, I went to a Jesuit high school. It was a great experience, and I was considering entering the Jesuit novitiate right after high school, but after talking with my parents and a couple of priests from my school (who were very helpful), I decided to put it off, at least for now, and attend college. It is a year now then those initial discussion, and I am still having thoughts about it, as well as a lot of other thoughts swirling around in my head. There are times where I think I am into girls (which I guess is normal, and healthy, for my age, as long as I don’t go over the top), but there are also times were I feel like this is my true calling, and honestly, the times when I think about the priesthood are my more peaceful, and I feel like I am a lot more content with myself. However, I keep trying to convince myself that I should go to college first, to get life experience outside of my home, and discern on a deeper level if this calling is true. This brings up another interesting feeling though. I keep having this urge that I am called to do something greater while I’m there, so I feel this weird internal pressure to involve myself in everything I can in order to make a difference (something that isn’t necessarily bad, but sometimes I can OVER-involve myself). After thinking about it a little bit, I think this might be happening because I still have this priestly calling, but since I think I shouldn’t do it right now, my mind is forcing itself to satisfy that desire in other ways (potentially not always in my best interest). For the most part I am pretty even keel and not too stressed out about this, but these are basically the thoughts I have been having. I have also been talking with different mentors (parents, youth ministers, priests, etc.) about my vocation, but I thought I would put my thoughts on here as well, just to see what you guys had to say. Any response is greatly appreciated!! God bless