Confused in prayer

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My dad always said when you need help or guidance to bombard Heaven with prayer and you will find the answers you need. So lately life has thrown me some very complicating and stressful loops to deal with and I’ve been praying like crazy trying to understand what Gods will is for me and how to best deal with the situation I find myself in. :gopray2:
In the past when I found myself confused and prayed for understanding, the solutions were quite clear. But now I am getting more and more frustrated as I feel as though there are no answers. Does anyone else have this problem ever?
My dad is the type of guy who will ask Jesus, for example, what he should do about a situtaion and then moments later someone will walk in the room and say “you know what you should do Bob…”. He always seems to get clear and immediate answers. I always seem to have to search and decipher.
I have been doing novenas to St. Therese too (my favourite saint) and getting no more clarity about my problems.:confused:
Am I asking the wrong questions? Could the answer be that there is no answer and I have to find patience?
Sometimes the lack of a way out of a situation may mean that you are supposed to stay there or learn something or be preparing for something, etc. A big wow about your dad. I’ve never had that sort of answer walk in the room! Poor St. Monica seemed to be praying for years before it went anywhere with her son St. Augustine.

I think there is an answer to all prayers. But you’re right, the answer could be to be patient or it could be to be calm and trust God about the situation, even if it is darkness to you for now. Good luck!
Yeah, I think I know what you mean.

May I offer this? (something I learned by experiencing it)

I had a really frustrating and anxiety producing couple of years over something really important… it was out of my hands, yet I know that I had to make some kind of move otherwise I would just keep spinning.

So I did my best to pray about it… didn’t seem like I was doing such a great job at praying because my outcome from praying was nothing, nada, zilch, zero.

I got disappointed… and actually kinda scared… tried to focus on praying sometimes but I was just plain worn out.

It came like on Candid Camera… you’ll never know it ahead of time but then, BANG! You’re on “Candid Camera!”

My point is… it seemed like out of the blue but all of a sudden things were going VERY WELL for me…

I could hardly believe it! Then… I realized… God was saying “no” to me and asking me to trust Him… even when it seemed like nothing was going on.

If what I had been asking for had come true, then things would not have been lined up for what was SUPREMELY better for me than was I was even asking for!!

God will not be outdone in His generosity.

Whatever is going on, dear friend, in the background – know that God is in charge and He wants nothing for you but the best.

He’s not gonna let you settle for less… unless you choose to.

Yes, there IS an answer.

Yes, KEEP praying!

This may sound trite, yet it’s still the bottom line…

Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid. Trust Him.

(that… and remember to floss through all this 😛 )

Let your steadfast love be upon me, oh Lord,
even as I trust in You.
~~ Psalm 33
My dad always said when you need help or guidance to bombard Heaven with prayer and you will find the answers you need. So lately life has thrown me some very complicating and stressful loops to deal with and I’ve been praying like crazy trying to understand what Gods will is for me and how to best deal with the situation I find myself in. :gopray2:
In the past when I found myself confused and prayed for understanding, the solutions were quite clear. But now I am getting more and more frustrated as I feel as though there are no answers. Does anyone else have this problem ever?
My dad is the type of guy who will ask Jesus, for example, what he should do about a situtaion and then moments later someone will walk in the room and say “you know what you should do Bob…”. He always seems to get clear and immediate answers. I always seem to have to search and decipher.
I have been doing novenas to St. Therese too (my favourite saint) and getting no more clarity about my problems.:confused:
Am I asking the wrong questions? Could the answer be that there is no answer and I have to find patience?
I was in a major car accident about 10 years ago & I still have no idea why. God’s plans sometimes seem to involve me getting hurt for some weird reason, or so it seems to me.
My dad always said when you need help or guidance to bombard Heaven with prayer and you will find the answers you need. So lately life has thrown me some very complicating and stressful loops to deal with and I’ve been praying like crazy trying to understand what Gods will is for me and how to best deal with the situation I find myself in. :gopray2:
In the past when I found myself confused and prayed for understanding, the solutions were quite clear. But now I am getting more and more frustrated as I feel as though there are no answers. Does anyone else have this problem ever?
My dad is the type of guy who will ask Jesus, for example, what he should do about a situtaion and then moments later someone will walk in the room and say “you know what you should do Bob…”. He always seems to get clear and immediate answers. I always seem to have to search and decipher.
I have been doing novenas to St. Therese too (my favourite saint) and getting no more clarity about my problems.:confused:
Am I asking the wrong questions? Could the answer be that there is no answer and I have to find patience?
**I experiance the same clairty as your Dad, most of the time, when I absolutely submit to the will of God, and make sure that my prayers are for His will be done, not motivated by my pride. **

**I also fully accept the fact that the solutions may not conicide with my pride or desires or personal beliefs. **
**In fact sometimes I would think that His solutions might make my life harder, till i remember who’s will is important. **

**ps. This is my own experiance and am in no way trying to imply that you are being prideful, or doing something wrong, just my $.02 **

Peace of the Lord be with you…
Your dad’s secret may be that he listens, really listens to the answer, and does not dismiss it, “Well it’s only Bob, and what does he know, anyhow?” Sometimes the answer is right there staring us in the face and we just do not want to hear it, thank you very much. Ask your dad to help you with your listening skills.
Sometimes the “answers” aren’t the ones we want to hear or because the answer is not the one we are expecting we don’t recognize it right away.

I have found myself praying for years on a situtation and wondering why God was sending me down a completely different path. I have found that in some circumstances it has taken me years to understand and realize God’s plan for me.

Sometimes what we want for ourselves is not what God wants for us. When I look back and realize the people who have touched my life and whose lives I have touched because of the path that God sent me on I know that God’s wisdom surely is greater then mine. The power of God is awesome.

Just let go and let God and you will be surprised at how God works through you.👍
Sometimes the “answers” aren’t the ones we want to hear or because the answer is not the one we are expecting we don’t recognize it right away.

I have found myself praying for years on a situtation and wondering why God was sending me down a completely different path. I have found that in some circumstances it has taken me years to understand and realize God’s plan for me.

Sometimes what we want for ourselves is not what God wants for us. When I look back and realize the people who have touched my life and whose lives I have touched because of the path that God sent me on I know that God’s wisdom surely is greater then mine. The power of God is awesome.

Just let go and let God and you will be surprised at how God works through you.👍
I was just getting ready to post and I found you have already posted what I was going to say! Praise God! Annunciata:)
I was just getting ready to post and I found you have already posted what I was going to say! Praise God! Annunciata:)
I am truly honored to know that “you” would have said something that I thought.

God Bless you Annunciata!!!
There was such awesome advice in this thread for you!

Maybe God is using this time in your life to draw you closer and develop your faith, patience, perseverance.

Very important also, God does not want us to worry. He wants us to turn ALL worry over to Him. As incredibly hard as that is - it is the greatest sign of trust that you can give to Jesus.

Jesus, I trust in you. The main message on the picture of Divine Mercy. It is so important to Him.

As the other posts have said, I believe your dad “hears” because he listens. He gets the answers he needs because he has opened himself up to Jesus and trusts that God will lead him.

Give up your will, trust, and be confident that God will take you where you need to be, when you are ready to be there.

God is NEVER late - but He is never early.
Great advice on this thread…

I believe that you are being rewarded with patience. Yes, REWARDED! This is a virtue that not many hold and you are receiveing it with a large blow. One day near or far this patience will be needed! As far as you not getting answers - well once the patience has been learned… the answer will come.

I know… not exactically what you want to hear -

Keep it up.
Wow I’m so amazed at all these responses! Thank you so much! I know that more prayer and patience are the answer…now I just have to let myself let go.
It’s funny what I’ve been asking for is something I’ve wanted so much for years…it never dawned on me that it wouldn’t be what God is planning for me.
Thanks for all your wise words!

Everybodys 2 cents adds up to a lot of money!!! :dancing:
Bring it on
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