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I am not a catholic but have wanted to learn more about the catholic lifestyle and possibly convert to a catholic as i feel my beliefs as a christan are leading me nowhere. I recently dated a catholic man who was in the same postion as me was a single parent and joined the catholic church several years ago when his son was born in order to follow and conduct a better life with god. While dating him he taught me alot about the catholic lifestyle and “how things worked”…we would disscuss our relationship and how matter what we would stick by each other no matter how much our beliefs differed. We at one pont were even looking at engagement rings which I took this as a very serious issue (especially within the catholic lifestyle) as he described it to me. Now my problem is that he “left me” approx. 1 week ago and didnt even tell me that he no longer wanted to continue this relationship or even tell me why…My dillema is now is this normal practise in a catholic lifestyle? He refuses to talk to me now if I see him around. I am begining to become very confused and not sure what to do with this or how to even approch him or even if I should? PLEASE any advice or comments on this would be appriciated…:confused:
This doesn’t sound like anything specifically to do with Catholicism … certainly Catholic men don’t make a habit of dumping and then ignoring their girlfriends in such a manner!

There may simply be something going on with him that he feels uncomfortable bringing up with you.
I’m sure that you have to know that this type of behavior is not part of Catholicism. No one is taught in CCD how to be rude, as aparently your “ex” is doing. Nope, sounds as though you were seeing a Catholic man who happened to also be a jerk.
I agree, this has nothing to do with what the Catholic Church teaches as a religion, it seems the man you were seeing is nuts (sorry shouldn’t be so rude, how about jerky). Anyways its obvious that something happened, since it was so sudden. Maybe he got scared, you know us men tend to get scared easily by women. BUt I don’t the situation so I do not want to speculate. All I can do is offer you my prayers and assure you as one Catholic man, I don’t condone that type of behavior and hope my son (although only 2 months old) would never treat a women this way.

Please stick around here and you will see that the “catholic lifestyle” is not what you think it is. God Bless 😃 ANd please post more if you need to talk or just vent. This is a great forum.
I am not a catholic but have wanted to learn more about the catholic lifestyle and possibly convert to a catholic as i feel my beliefs as a christan are leading me nowhere.
Wonderful. I suggest you attend Mass and follow along in the missal book, get to know some people in the parish, join the RCIA program to learn more about what the Church teaches, and most importantly buy a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and study.
While dating him he taught me alot about the catholic lifestyle and “how things worked”
Well, hopefully what he taught you was accurate. I suggest, though, that instead of getting involved with someone right now you instead focus on yourself and your faith life. Become a Catholic because it’s the Truth, not because you have started dating a Catholic.
Now my problem is that he “left me” approx. 1 week ago and didnt even tell me that he no longer wanted to continue this relationship or even tell me why…My dillema is now is this normal practise in a catholic lifestyle?
This has nothing to do with Catholicism, and everything to do with his lack of character. You are better off without someone who seems confused, unready to make a committment, and a person who would treat you this way.
He refuses to talk to me now if I see him around. I am begining to become very confused and not sure what to do with this or how to even approch him or even if I should? PLEASE any advice or comments on this would be appriciated…:confused:
Ignore him. Chalk it up to a lesson learned. Do not pursue him, do not let him pursue you. Focus on you. You will meet a nice man, who treats you well, and forget all about this man.

Unfortunately, you can find people like this in all walks of life, Catholic Church included. Guard your heart a little more next time, don’t invest in a man so quickly.

I highly recommend the book Date or Soul Mate by Neil Clark Warren. Also, pick up some books on Cathoilc marriage to help you understand the Sacrament.
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