My husband and I have been married six years.In these six years I have stood beside him through three affairs two of the affairs were with the same person.When he is questioned on it he pleads the fifth.For the past 1 1/2 he quit his job and started his own little business traveling to and from Mexico and claims he makes no money.I ask him Why he keeps doing it he says he does not want to work in a factory for someonelse.In this 1 1/2 he hasn’t helped me with any expenses.He recently moved out because I couln’t take it any more I told him to leave.Now he quit driving back and forth to Mexico and went back to work in a factory.I think there is something that happened at the border patrol.Last year he was detained with a woman and child at the border but he claims nothing happened to him.I believe this may be one of the women he has had an affair with.To make a long story short my birth certicate came up missing at his moms house where he always said it was safe when I questioned him on it before.When we separated I ask him for him to bring it back and no one seems to know where it is.The woman was here until recently I think he took her back on his last trip.He insists it is not the woman he has the affair with. But to many things add up.I am so confused I love my husband very much and I would like for us to get back together. He says we can still stay married but live separately he refuses to move back in since I told him to leave.I never left when he told me to leave.He is Catholic I am not.I am a true believer in our marriage vows. I am totally confused of how he really feels about our relationship. He does not want to talk about anything to me. Could someone give me some advice as What to do?