Confusion about Mark and Salvation

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Im a Catholic first of allso im not trying to stir up the old ‘salvation’ debate but i am concerned about the end of Mark. I dont have a good bible commentary (theyre all huge and i saving up to get a cracker :))

Im talking about the Mark 16:16 - 19. The first part i have trouble with is verse 16, “Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” I dont believe for a second the whole ‘one saved always saved’ doctrine, and the literal interpretation of this verse seems contradicted by loads of other verses about only people who do the will of the Father get into heaven etc etc, but im just not sure how i can fit this verse into the 2 doctrines of

a) You need to do more than just believe to get saved
b) You dont have to believe to be saved

I really could do with help on this verse. Thanks in advance

In addition verses 17-19 seem a bit wacky. Im a believer but i cant heal the sick, drink snake poison or speak in tongues.

Please help 😦

Hello Adam S,

How do you define “believe”? Should we just make up a definition to God’s term “believe” or should we go into the scriptures to see how the scriptures use the word “believe”? In scriptures, it is those who do what God tells them to do who “believe” in God. Please visit Believe to see how other scriptural verses use the term “believe”.

Jesus tells us that those who “believe” and put “faith” in John the Baptist are entering into eteral life. How does one enter into heaven through “belief” and “faith” in John the Baptist? John was a prophet who taught the will of God as Jesus did. Those who put into practice John’s teachings, which are Jesus’ and the Father’s teachings, are the one’s who “believe” in God by doing what John tells them God wills them to do.

It is those who do what Jesus tells them to do, which is to obey God, who “believe” and have “faith” in Jesus. Jesus tells us that it is not those who believe that Jesus is Lord, but those who do the will of the Father, as He tells them too, who will enter into life. Even the demons believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That does not get the demons into heaven.

**NAB MAT 21:31 **

Jesus said to them, **"I assure you that tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God **before you. When John came preaching a way of holiness, you put no faith in him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did believe in him. Yet even when you saw that, you did not repent and believe in him. "

NAB MAT 7:21

"None of those who cry out, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of God but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.

NAB LUK 6:43

“A good tree does not produce decayed fruit any more than a decayed tree produces good fruit. Each tree is known by its yield. Figs are not taken from thornbushes, nor grapes picked from brambles. A good man produces goodness from the good in his heart; an evil man produces evil out of his store of evil. Each man speaks from his heart’s abundance. Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not put into practice what I teach you?

NAB JAM 2:14

My brothers, what good is it to profess faith without practicing it? Such faith has no power to save one, has it? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and no food for the day, and you say to them, “Good-bye and good luck! Keep warm and well fed,” but do not meet their bodily needs, what good is that? so it is with the faith that does nothing in practice. It is thoroughly lifeless.
To such a person one might say, You have faith and I have works is that it? Show me your faith without works, and I will show you the faith that underlies my works! Do you believe that God is one? you are quite right. The demons believe that, and shudder.

NAB LUK 4:33

(Demons believe Jesus is Lord.)

In the synagogue there was a man with an unclean spirit, who shrieked in a loud voice: Leave us alone! What do you want of us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.

NAB MAT 8:28

As he approached the Gadarene boundary, he encountered two men coming out of the tombs. They were possessed by demons and were so savage that no one could travel along that road. With a sudden shriek they cried: Why meddle with us, Son of God?

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
If you look at most bibles and commentaries they will tell you that the last part of Mark 16 starting with vs 9 is most likely the work of a zealous scribe. The natural flow of the text ends at vs 8 and the rest is considered a late adaptation. There is usually a footnote in most bibles indicating that ‘these verses are not in the oldest manuscripts’. While they are included in the text they are not considered reliable…hope this helps…

Here is a link for anyone to read if they wish…thanks
This can be cleared up by looking at how JESUS gave salvation… Luke 23:26-43 speaks of the crucifixion of Christ… the criminal that was given salvation wasn’t baptized nor did any “moral” works for the Church. However, for putting his faith in Christ, salvation was given to Him… also look at Acts 2:21:thumbsup:
Mark Ch.16 Verses 9-on were declared Cannonical at the Council of Trent. I am confused as to whether or not some protestants consider these verses inspired and binding, because they are.
Adam S:
Im talking about the Mark 16:16 - 19. The first part i have trouble with is verse 16, “Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” I dont believe for a second the whole ‘one saved always saved’ doctrine, and the literal interpretation of this verse seems contradicted by loads of other verses about only people who do the will of the Father get into heaven etc etc, but im just not sure how i can fit this verse into the 2 doctrines of

a) You need to do more than just believe to get saved
b) You dont have to believe to be saved

I really could do with help on this verse. Thanks in advance
Here’s my take on verse 16…

First off, notice that Jesus does not base salvation on past actions, as in, Whoever believed and was baptised…, but on present actions, Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved. Catholics believe that a man who believes and is baptised and who dies immediately after baptism will be saved. Catholics also believe that a man who survives baptism, perseveres in faith until death and maintains his baptismal purity until death by keeping the commandments to love God and his neighbor will be saved. In other words, Catholics believe whoever dies in a state of grace will be saved.

Catholics even believe that, since God is “the savior of all men, especially of those who believe” (1 Tim 4:10), those who through no fault of their own who do not know Jesus Christ or his Church but nonetheless respond with perseverence to the graces God has given them may also be saved.

The condemnation of those who do not believe (or who are unfaithful) in the second part of verse 16 applies to those who do not respond to the graces that God has given them, to those who are culpable for their unbelief and to those who, once enlightened (baptised), have deliberately and seriously sinned and remain unrepentent until death (see Hebrews 10:26-31). In other words, Catholics believe that whoever is not in a state of grace at their death will be condemned.

Such feats as those described in verses 17-19 are not absent from the lives of the saints throughout the history of the Church. However, they are not considered as the ordinary gifts of every Christian but as extraordinary gifts (charisms) from the Holy Spirit, given to whomever he wishes for the building up of the Church.
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