Does anyone have a suggestion concerning where one might find an exhaustive, all-in-one place resource where one can find clear-cut definitions and distinctions between the different vocations? There seems to be some much confusion. There are the single (which apparently, if not consecrated, are not *really *a vocation), the consecrated virgins (which apparently can only be men), hermits, anchorites, monks, friars, religious, members of a lay apostolate, members of religious congregations, secular institutes, societies of apostolic life…ugh!!!
I don’t want a book on each one, but I also don’t want a one-liner for each description. Perhaps a good solid paragraph for each, something authoritative (because apparently, there is lot of misinformation and differences of opinion.) that makes clear distinctions and also shows how it also fits together.
My web searches have been fruitless, any help would be great. I’d also take book suggestions. Could anyone please guide me in the right direction?
I don’t want a book on each one, but I also don’t want a one-liner for each description. Perhaps a good solid paragraph for each, something authoritative (because apparently, there is lot of misinformation and differences of opinion.) that makes clear distinctions and also shows how it also fits together.
My web searches have been fruitless, any help would be great. I’d also take book suggestions. Could anyone please guide me in the right direction?