Congress Maintains Ban on Elective Abortions at Military Hospitals (USCCB)

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WASHINGTON (May 25, 2005)— The House of Representatives today rejected a measure to allow elective abortions in military hospitals overseas by a vote of 233 to 194.

“Our military hospitals have a proud and honorable tradition of saving lives in the most threatening regions and circumstances,” said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq., Director of Planning and Information for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. “They should not be forced into the dishonorable business of abortion.”

In 1988 the Reagan Administration established a policy prohibiting elective abortions in military hospitals. The policy was overturned by President Clinton in one of his first official acts in 1993, but a military survey of Army, Navy, and Air Force doctors stationed in Europe was unable to find medical personnel in the armed services willing to perform abortions. Congress overturned the Clinton policy in 1996 and the House measure today was an attempt to reinstate it. . . .

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Thank God. What is the matter with the 194? One of the great things about the military is the discipline, responsibility, and loyalty it teaches. Shirking all 3 is not something you would want in a member.
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