Connections in the rosary

  • Thread starter Thread starter Montie_Claunch
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Yesterday, when praying my daily rosary, I couldn’t deceid between weather to meditate on the Joyful or the Luminous Mysteries so I deceided to meditate on both at the same time. As I did so I started to notice some similarities. Like The Annuciation and the Baptism, I thought was interesting because at the Annuciation it was Spirit (God) becoming man and the begining of a life and Baptism is the start of a persons spiritual life. The Visitation and Wedding at Cana you see in the Visistation Mary coming to Elisabeth with a hug (a sign of love) and at cana we see Mary, again, comeing Jesus asking for a sign of love (please give these people more wine). Anyway I am about to start looking at this with the other mysteries and I was wondering if this is just my imagination running wild or if there is attcually something to what I am seeing (if indeed there is something to it)? And has anyone else ever noticed this? Thanks and God bless.
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