Conservative Catholic Moms?

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Hi, I’m recently enrolled in RCIA, and really enjoying the process of converting from Baptist to Catholicism. My question is this… As a protestant, I was/am very conservative, my husband and I did not/do not practice birth control, wear modest clothing (dresses only), do not have a television, etc… And I was able to find a lot of protestant friends who also believed in a very conservative lifestyle similar to my own. Now, most protestants this conservative are EXTREMLY anti-catholic, so many of them are no longer close friends of mine, (unless they are trying to convert me back to being a Southern Baptist) but I am having a hard time finding like-minded moms in a Catholic circle. Are there any good web-email digests or magazines or books or groups for Catholics out there who are dedicated to a similar lifestyle, and support for moms who have large families and the challenges that go along with that? Thank You very much,
a lot of homeschoolers have a disciplined attitude toward family life–which I imagine is necessary to take on this challenge, and also espouse a simple conservative lifestyle. maybe look them up
As you get involved you will find MANY conservative moms! Some suggestions…

Start going to daily mass. You will see the regulars, especially the ones with kids.

Get involved with the different ministries at church, especially CCLI (Couple to Couple League International) or the NFP classes.

Do a google search of CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOL and your town. There are usually chat rooms where you can meet people in your area.

Ask the Parish Priest if he can introduce you to some other Faithful Catholic families at the next fish fry. Lent will be upon us soon!

Talk to your priest about starting a Moms Group and post activities in the bulletin. If you build it, they will come!
There are many groups out there. Look in your area for Familia they are a wonderful group, that helps support the family values and the church.
PM me and I will tell you how to sign on to a great Catholic moms e-mail listserv. We are currently discussing things like, “the death penalty and what the Church teaches”, “dispensation from Sunday Mass for x reason” among other things.

We have discussed modest dressing, other Church teachings, potty training, teens and pre-teens and their angst, NFP etc.

Brenda V.
This is a great website for Catholic Moms with a very active message board: Catholic Moms
I’m a member and can 👍 that!

Anna x
, my husband and I did not/do not practice birth control, wear modest clothing (dresses only), do not have a television, etc…
If your husband and you wear dresses only, I think only one of you is being conservative. (Sorry Stacy, I couldn’t resist).

Welcome home, it’s exciting you’re in RCIA. Do you think that television, pants (on women), drinking, etc. are sinful, or just not good ideas?

I think as you continue to learn about the Faith you will find that some things some Baptists view as sinful are not, by themselves, sinful. As all the replies above show, you should be able to find many folks that happily share your conservative approach…there’s an incredibly wide spectrum in the Church, spilling out both ends.
also, if u find a church that has the latin mass, the folks there alot of times are more traditional and conservative. typically alot of children and alot of homeschoolers. that’s just what i’ve encountered. sometimes they even have homeschool support groups and supplemental activities for the children.

Oh, and lay societies are a good thing to look into.

GB and enjoy RCIA!
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