“Clearly, the objective here is to hide what goes on from the public and punish and silence those of us who would talk about what our representatives are doing,” Dobson told his audience of several million listeners in his special program about Senate Bill 1.
Conservatives chould email their reps and tell them to vote against the “The Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007” soon. This is clearly an attempt by liberals in DC to suppress the views of pro life, pro family people. Could you imagine if every time a priest spoke out against abortion he faced an audit? That’s what could happen if this bill passes.That proposal, sponsored by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., is listed as a proposal “To provide greater transparency in the legislative process,” however Dobson was joined by American Family Association Chairman Donald Wildmon, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and American Values President Gary Bauer in urging listeners to flood Capitol Hill with phone calls demanding those speech limits be removed.
The article goes on to cite examples of how bills that would have lessened penalties for possession of child pornography and placed limits on home schooling were torpedoed by Christian orgs grass roots lobbying efforts. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find this to be outrageous.