Considering Benedictine [the novela]

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Hello all.

I know I’ve come to you a many times and I am doing so again, so thank you all for being so kind and helpful. Just this past weekend my parents went to Mass with me for the first time, and now this. Please read on, I appreciate all of this.

Enter "I think I might have a calling."
Part One

Since 9th grade I’ve felt this pull to the pastoral life. I wasn’t sure then why and I’m not positive I know now, but I know I feel it still. Ten years later and I still feel it. What makes that interesting is that my family and I had stopped going to church for sometime (almost 8 years), and through all of it I still felt it. I didn’t turn my back on God, I was just being lazy in devotion (amoungst other things).

Then after college I started graduate school. I was at a very liberal advertising graduate program when I rediscovered what it meant to be Christian all over again, I’m still discovering, and hopefully will be forever. There I was, in a school full of people who judged me because I openly admitted to being Christian. At times I felt alone and scared. Around the time of the presidential election, things got really bad. I was mocked and made fun of for being Christian. I was told I and everyone else who believed in God were uneducated republican idiots. I cried. I saw what people were capable of and I was shocked. I was so glad to be graduating in one more semester.

Don’t get me wrong, not everyone was like that. I soon got the nickname “brother Bryan” at school just because they knew I was Christian. Interestingly enough, I wasn’t preaching to anyone or really discussing it, I just didn’t shy down to their questions. I met some really amazing people at school who were very accepting. I will always remember them.

Still, I needed God in my life more than ever during those two years. And that’s when I discovered a part of me that said “screw it, go to Mass, you have always wanted to, just do it!” So I did! One Tuesday morning I left school on a “lunch break” and instead went to Mass. After that came many more visits and many more devotional type activites. I taught myself the rosary, something I battled with for a long time until I finally came to peace with its purpose and message. I even joined the rosary prayer group at the Cathedral near by school (actually on campus) and started going there.

It was during all of this time that a friend of mine came back from college and back into my life after a four year hiatus. He was in the middle of the process to attend episcopal seminary to become a priest. He had been raised Catholic, but had converted in college when he realized that while he had the calling, he still wanted to be married. Anyway, in talking with him I started to feel the calling more and more. And he answered many of questions about Catholicism. Still, I tend to doubt myself a lot, and I went on my not-so-merry way.

Fast-forward to Modern Day:
Also titled "I think I might have a calling."
Part two

Through my sister’s ex-boyfriend, Neal, I met Brother Gregory Gresko (you may know him as the monk who sang at Pope Benedict XVI’s Innagural Mass) who is a Benedictine Monk here in Richmond, Va. I spoke with him for well over an hour on instant messenger just last night (Monday night EST) about my thoughts and problems, possibly calling and what not. He was awesome, so kind and really an amazing person. He also invited me to come and meet the Brothers at the abbey this Friday. Neal is going to join me and we are going to head out there to hang out. I’m really excited, but nervous at the same time because I know I may want to return again for a retreat. And then for perhaps longer.

My parents would be in complete disagreement with such an idea and life would turn upside down for sure. But I know that if God is calling me, I can’t escape Him. And I’m not going to turn my back on He who is everything to me.

In Closing…
Only Part

There is no way I can explain all of this to you. It’s simply too much and my thoughts would be completely scattered. I’m going Friday to talk with him 1:1 and in groups, to help discern any ideas I may have. If nothing else, I would love to have Br. Greg and/or another Brother be a spiritual guide for me. I think I’m in need of some serious healing.

I wrote this to ask for your opinions and prayers (that I may received clear faith signals from God and see clearly through the Holy Spirit that which I must discern in time).

I start RCIA in late September and I’m really psyched about the class. I can’t wait to get going and I hope my family will be joining me. Reguardless though, I know I have plenty of time (until Easter) until I have to really make any major decisions. Even then I have a six month consideration time if I choose to ask to join.

Please, speak to me with any words you can find.
St. Curious - this is really awesome and you certainly have my prayers.

I take it you aren’t already Catholic - hence you are starting RCIA, right?

It’s just amazing that you are seeking God as much as He is seeking you. He must be very pleased by that.

The only thing I wanted to say was don’t automatically assume your parents would disapprove of your discernment or possible subsequent decision to enter the religious life. If God is calling you and working in you, certainly He is working in your parents. Pray for them and pray for the words when it comes time to tell them.

I have been drawn to the Rule of St. Benedict lately - and being married, the Oblates is the only option for me. I’ll be interested to hear about your experiences as you seek your vocation with the Benedictines or otherwise.
My son was 7 years old when he felt the Lord calling him to the Priesthood. He is now 18 and feels he is being called to be a Benedictine Monk.

It is hard for parents to accept this life at first but eventually we wise up and realize what a beautiful blessing it is. To think of having a child be specifically called to the Lord is such a gift. Eventually your parents will think the same, if they don’t already.

You will be in my prayers as you discern your vocation.
Blessings to you and your parents.
Fizendell: Thanks for your kind wishes. You’re right in assuming I’m not yet Catholic. I start RCIA soon and am really excited about it. I’m well versed in Catholic doctrine, so I feel comfortable in it and will be really happy come Easter when I participate in my first Eucharist.

I hope you are right about my parents and yes, I will pray for them and for the words if the moment comes. I know that if God wants me, he can have me. And there is really nothing anyone can do, besides, there’s alot worse things I could be doing. They will understand is such a time were to arise.

Let me know how the oblates are if you decide to join, I’m also keeping that as an option for myself until I decide.

blourdes: It’s awesome to see (name removed by moderator)ut from a concerned parent. Has your son visited any abbeys or gone on discernment retreats at all? I will pray for him and his decision and thank you for your prayers as well.

God Bless.
ST. Curious,

Yes, he has. We live in Missouri and he goes to Conception Abby in Conception Missouri, just outside of St. Joe, there is also a convent in Clyde Missouri just down the street. Our family has been very blessed to have met the abbot and also some of the wonderful monks there. He has only looked at the Benedictine order. He also may discern the Fransciscans.

I will keep you in prayer. Don’t worry St. Curious, your parents will come around I sure did in a big way. My son was the inspriation for me to develop a deeper understanding of our Faith. There are worse things you could do. Hang in there I am sure they will be very proud. Just think you may be that instrument that will lead them to a deeper prayer life.

God Bless you will keep you in prayers.
Benedictines, a great choice, our Benedictine Oblate chapters has several non-Catholic members, so I encourage you to look for a chapter near you, as your oblate formation will aid your spiritual growth and your RCIA journey, and support you through this process and after your initiation into the Church. welcome home!

now we can have a new thread called “Considering Benedictine (the brandy)”
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