Consumer Reports contraceptive review

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Consumer Reports is fuming that the Center for Disease Control has downgraded condom use, counseling chastity first, and long-term monogamy second. Yet the February 2004 issue reviews condoms, pitting them brand-to-brand, and to other contraceptives, and therein lies the lie.

Ponder this: if a woman is only fertile for a short time each month, shouldn’t those “typical” fifteen-in-one-hundred conceptions with condom use give one pause before use as disease preventative? In other words, given the small window of opportunity of a woman’s conception, and the high failure rate of condoms as a contraceptive, how would the figures extrapolate pitted against 100% disease viability in infected hosts? The numbers have got to be HUGE!

Planned Parenthood 'Honeydew" brand condoms, FYI, have the highest failure rate, and were blackballed by Consumer Reports. Funky condoms have got to be good for PP’s lucrative abortion and tissue sales biz. The “Rhythm” Method was given as the only method which was acceptable to certain religions.

Are Catholics being joined in the NFP mode of receptivity to life by some other religions? Don’t forget, culture walks on two legs, and there’s always room for one more. It’s either live those family values or contracept to death like Europe, now turning Muslim by babies, not bullets.

May the Lord turn the hearts of parents towards their children, and the hearts of children towards parents in loving thanks. AMEN
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