Contemplative living

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I found this a concise summary of contemplative type living and although somewhat a ‘fan’ of Thomas Merton, I do not accept every word he wrote…the following however did appeal…

It needs to be noted that the following may not be feasible in all states of life/duties all the time………it needs to be placed in the context of common sense according to state in life/duties…
Thomas Merton Foundation

THOMAS MERTON REFLECTION for the week of September 12, 2005

“The life of contemplation in action and purity of heart is, then, a life of great simplicity and inner liberty. One is not seeking anything special or demanding any particular satisfaction. One is content with what is. One does what is to be done, and the more concrete it is, the better. One is not worried about the results of what is done. One is content to have good motives and not too anxious about making mistakes. In this way one can swim with the living stream of life and remain at every moment in contact with God, in the hiddenness and ordinariness of the present moment with its obvious task.”

From The Inner Experience by Thomas Merton

Edited by William H. Shannon (New York: HaperCollins 2004), pgs. 65-66
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