Contemplative traditional orders for older vocations

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I am already in solemn profession and have been for about 3 years now. but i find myself wanting a more eremetical life than the active life I have now. I am very much Benedictine and an easern-rite catholic in a roman-rite monastery. Even though I find plenty of beauty and transcendence in the Ordinary Form that Trad Catholics love to hate, I long for the beauty of the Extraordinary Form or the Chrysostom Mass done right. Its just that i am in my mid 50s!
any suggestions?
Trilor, OSB
Benedictines of Mary:

Christ the Bridegroom:

Unsure if they accept older Vocations.

There’s also the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope, but they are more active than what it sounds like you seek.

Transfiguration Hermitage in New York is Camaldolese Benedictine, but I don’t think they have access to the MEF.

Canon 603 would permit you to become a hermit within your own community, as well.

My new congregation has Poustiniki and Recluses in our contemplative branch, depending on how much time is spent in the apostolate. One has to be entirely self-sufficient and domiciled, though. We love the MEF, and pray bilingually – alternating between Latin and English. A majority of our members don’t have access to the MEF, though.

Not a lot of help, but pleased to make your acquaintance, all the same.

Mrs Cloisters, O.P.
Lay Dominican
Forgot to add that you could probably just transfer your stability to another Benedictine community that has the MEF. I don’t think age would be a factor, since you’re already in perpetual profession.

Canon 603 could work two ways: allowing you to become eremitical in the present setting, or striking out on your own, making your vows in the hands of a bishop somewhere.
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If you want Eastern Rite liturgies, that is a whole other set of issues to the ones “Mrs. Cloisters” has raised, as none of the communities she mentions are Eastern Rite. [Transfiguration Monastery is definitely not into the Tridentine liturgy; I know the community well.]

It isn’t clear where you are in the world. But my advice would be to get in touch with Eastern Rite bishops or dioceses to ask about what monasteries might be in accordance with what you are looking for. All the ones mentioned here are in the US, which may not be relevant at all to your needs.
My apologies for the “misfire”. Hubby’s been on temperature checker detail at work, and the extra early rising is getting to me.

An online friend entered a Ruthenian Rite monastery many years ago, and he described the difference in Canon Laws. So, yes, like @nunsuch said, you’d have to inquire of the Eastern clergy themselves.
Thanks, ladies. I am a guy living in the USA but definitely thanks for the information!
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The monastery that my friend entered, I think, was in DC. He and another left because of an abuser, who was subsequently apprehended.

I think you should also be honest with your superiors about your attractions, though. They may know of some place.
Be aware that Our Lady of Guadalupe seems to be affiliated with SSPX, and thus may not be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. There is another Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Pecos, NM, which is not Tridentine, but which IS in communion with the Church.
Be aware that Our Lady of Guadalupe seems to be affiliated with SSPX, and thus may not be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. There is another Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Pecos, NM, which is not Tridentine, but which IS in communion with the Church.
Thanks… I didn’t know that.
Yes, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Silver City is SSPX. Clear Creek Abbey is establishing a foundation west of Albuquerque but they have not finished construction yet and i don’t think there is anyone who stays there permanently. thanks again for the info and ideas.
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