Hello all who know the situation with my sister and her ex and what sufferings the kids are going through.
My sister and her children continue to suffer at the hands of her ex and their dad. The ex is playing mind games and using the children to aggravate and anger my sister. My niece and nephew are so depressed that it worries me. They come to school after a weekend with dad, completely exhausted. Their father should not be allowed to have them, but is and it is affecting still the kids.
My sister had to take her ex to court again on March 6th for he had not paid child support for three months and she had given him plenty of chances. He also did not give a court order counselor to my sister for her children. This was ordered by the judge at the Nov. 7th hearing. He wrote her a nasty email that she doesn’t put the children first by going to court for “stupid reasons,” and forcing him to pay child support when he will “eventually get to it.” This man is sick!
The court was cancelled for he did go on that same day to the court house and pay all the child support and submitted the counselors names, three of them. Because he had to pay, he is angry again. He had the children since this past Thursday and was to return them to my sister’s house on Sunday, yesterday. He calls her at the last minute and asks her where she is and when is she going to pick up the children. He is suppose to do this according to the divorce papers, but he said, “you want them, you come and get them.” She went to get them and he knew she was coming and she asked him earlier to have them ready. She called three times when she was outside of his house and he did not pick up. She had to go up to the door which was dark and no light on inside or outside of the house. She rang a couple of times and he ignored the door bell. She rang one last time and he came out and it was 8 pm. He said they will be right out. She waited 15 minutes in her car with witnesses, when the kids finally came out. He did this once before also and waits until my sister gets there and then makes the kids clean their room. That is what they did when they heard the door bell. As soon as it rang, their father sent them to their rooms to clean it. My niece and nephew have told us that they are “slaves” at their dad’s. I believe in kids cleaning up their messes, but he knew my sister was on the way and he waited until she was at the door to start telling them to clean up. He does this to aggravate my sister.
For those that know what is going on, I ask for continued prayers. This situation is not better. My niece is going into her own world for this world has no one looking out for her, according to her. We can’t do a guardian ad litem until the court appoints it. My niece grades are dropping and she just doesn’t care about anything, even what she loves; horses. Please pray for a miracle to happen soon. I know the Lord permits things for his reasons that may come clear to us later, but these poor children are suffering and summer is soon coming. The dad will get them more than just a weekend but for two weeks at a time. My nieces lost 3 pounds the last week she was at her dads. They are responsible for making their own breakfast, and lunch. They are only 10 and 7. They mostly eat junk food is what my niece tells me.
Any prayers would be helpful and greatly appreciated. May God bless you.
My sister and her children continue to suffer at the hands of her ex and their dad. The ex is playing mind games and using the children to aggravate and anger my sister. My niece and nephew are so depressed that it worries me. They come to school after a weekend with dad, completely exhausted. Their father should not be allowed to have them, but is and it is affecting still the kids.
My sister had to take her ex to court again on March 6th for he had not paid child support for three months and she had given him plenty of chances. He also did not give a court order counselor to my sister for her children. This was ordered by the judge at the Nov. 7th hearing. He wrote her a nasty email that she doesn’t put the children first by going to court for “stupid reasons,” and forcing him to pay child support when he will “eventually get to it.” This man is sick!
The court was cancelled for he did go on that same day to the court house and pay all the child support and submitted the counselors names, three of them. Because he had to pay, he is angry again. He had the children since this past Thursday and was to return them to my sister’s house on Sunday, yesterday. He calls her at the last minute and asks her where she is and when is she going to pick up the children. He is suppose to do this according to the divorce papers, but he said, “you want them, you come and get them.” She went to get them and he knew she was coming and she asked him earlier to have them ready. She called three times when she was outside of his house and he did not pick up. She had to go up to the door which was dark and no light on inside or outside of the house. She rang a couple of times and he ignored the door bell. She rang one last time and he came out and it was 8 pm. He said they will be right out. She waited 15 minutes in her car with witnesses, when the kids finally came out. He did this once before also and waits until my sister gets there and then makes the kids clean their room. That is what they did when they heard the door bell. As soon as it rang, their father sent them to their rooms to clean it. My niece and nephew have told us that they are “slaves” at their dad’s. I believe in kids cleaning up their messes, but he knew my sister was on the way and he waited until she was at the door to start telling them to clean up. He does this to aggravate my sister.
For those that know what is going on, I ask for continued prayers. This situation is not better. My niece is going into her own world for this world has no one looking out for her, according to her. We can’t do a guardian ad litem until the court appoints it. My niece grades are dropping and she just doesn’t care about anything, even what she loves; horses. Please pray for a miracle to happen soon. I know the Lord permits things for his reasons that may come clear to us later, but these poor children are suffering and summer is soon coming. The dad will get them more than just a weekend but for two weeks at a time. My nieces lost 3 pounds the last week she was at her dads. They are responsible for making their own breakfast, and lunch. They are only 10 and 7. They mostly eat junk food is what my niece tells me.
Any prayers would be helpful and greatly appreciated. May God bless you.