Contraception in a mixed marriage

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If I’m Catholic but my spouse is a Protestant unwilling to give up the use of contraception, according to Catholic teaching am I still obliged to not use contraception?
You, as a Catholic, can’t use contraception. But if your husband uses it, there is little you can do except pray and keep the lines of communication open. Don’t lose hope! Several protestants are beginning to shun contraception. I know there is a fairly popular book out there written by a protestant minister, but the title escapes me right now.

You might want to pick up Kimberly Hahn’s “Life Giving Love” for support. It is a gentle, wonderful book. I wish Kimberly would write more books.

And lastly, I understand what you are going through. When I married my husband we were both atheists. I am now a Catholic and the whole contraception thing has been very difficult for us. My husband is a wonderful man and a great father… but he just doesn’t get the whole thing. He would never ask me to use anything hormonal, which he believes is dangerous, and he would never be permanently sterilized, but he can’t understand why barrier methods are prohibited. sigh And I am not perfect either. I follow the Churches teachings, but honestly I sometimes don’t understand them completely. I just keep praying for strength and perseverance.

Wow, did I answer your question at all? LOL!
The Vademecum for Confessors discusses the issue of cooperation when one spouse uses contraception and the other follows Catholic teachings:…demecum_en.html

In paragraph 13 #2 it states:
  1. when proportionally grave reasons exist for cooperating in the sin of the other spouse;
I am not sure what “proportionally grave reasons” would be. Perhaps others can comment.

My understanding is that you may still perform the marital act, but you must have no part in the contraceptive act. That is, the contracepting partner takes the pills, uses the barriers or whatever method while you may not. Personally, I would steer clear of any contribution like picking up the prescription, getting the supplies or otherwise facilitating.

Will pray for you.

Scott Waddell:
My understanding is that you may still perform the marital act, but you must have no part in the contraceptive act.
Yes, but what does this mean:?
  1. when proportionally grave reasons exist for cooperating in the sin of the other spouse;
Does this refer to valid reasons for using contraception (e.g serious medical condition) or does it refer to*** valid reasons to have relations*** when spouse uses contraception solely to prevent pregnancy?
A marital act is a mutual act, so in my opinion, there is no such thing as one person using contraceptives and not the other. If one partner uses contraceptives, the marital act itself is cut off from God’s grace. A person who is having sex with his or her contracepting partner is cooperating in the sinful act.

When I was married, I held a stronger view of not using contraception than my husband. One day I just told him that I will no longer use birth control and will not have sex with condoms. I offered to sign us up for the NFP class. Surprisingly, he went along with it. So my suggestion to you is try to stand up for your beliefs. You might be surprised. Remember, no one, even your husband, can make you sin.
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