I for one would love to be able to have as a resouce a compilation of many references throughout the ages of saints and councils (local or general) that have taught against contraception. While looking into coming back into the Church, one of my issues was contraception. I was told that the Church had consistently always taught it was wrong, but when I asked for examples (besides Paul VI) then nobody really had very many.
I am aware of Noonan’s work. But I would prefer to have something more akin to the book Jesus, Peter, and the Keys – a work/list of quotes if you will.
If someone wanted to compile such a listing, where would one want to go to get the quotes?
It seems like an interesting project. Unfortunately, I’m good at thinking things up and lousy on follow-through so probably would not do it myself. But I am curious where I could get at least some such quotes.
I am aware of Noonan’s work. But I would prefer to have something more akin to the book Jesus, Peter, and the Keys – a work/list of quotes if you will.
If someone wanted to compile such a listing, where would one want to go to get the quotes?
It seems like an interesting project. Unfortunately, I’m good at thinking things up and lousy on follow-through so probably would not do it myself. But I am curious where I could get at least some such quotes.