Contraception versus LAM method?

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The Church allows the use of LAM (Lactational Amenorrhea Method) to space births. The point here is to learn the technique of how the baby has to be feed (the how and when and how many times) to achieve a temporal anovulatory effect. This is done by increasing the level of prolactine that results in other hormone levels that impair ovulation.

Just look at this case:

A woman could stop breast-feeding of her baby but decide not to do it and use this method to avoid getting pregnant. She is “using” her baby through a careful studied program to achieve the right hormone level that impairs ovulation.

How do you distinguish this case from achieving the same level of hormones by just eating a pill?

I do not see the difference and I do not see why taking the pill is “intrinsically evil” and using the baby to achieve the same it is not. You can say that the primary intention was to feed the baby and that contraception is a secondary effect. Not it is not: the woman, that wanted first to stop breastfeeding, decided to go on to avoid pregnancy. The method is used primarily not to feed a baby but with a contraceptive mentality.


It would seem that God has ordained, in His design of woman, to make her temporarily infertile as she cares for a newborn child. Women, in general, when breastfeeding an infant do not ovulate. This is typically true when she breastfeeds in the manner that women have breast fed for centuries, providing all of the nutritional and comfort needs of the infant on demand, 24/7.

This is the design of God. Man, using reason, (as the image of God) has observed it. Man did not create this design for his own satisfaction, rather, God created it for humanity’s good.

Modern society has created different roles for women and these roles have made it so that the former methods of feeding and comforting and infant have been replaced with different methods. But the design of women is unchanged. So, if a woman does not ecologically breastfeed (another word for LAM), her fertility can return earlier. Even if she does ecologically breast feed, her fertility could return earlier. Such is the will of God.

Hormonal pharmaceuticals typically alter a normally functioning body system so that it operates outside of the design and intention of God. Hormonal contraceptives are the only pharmaceutical agents that as a matter of design, alter a normally functioning body into dysfunction as a matter of direct intention. Altering the natural order of the body to satisfy untamed needs is wrong if it is deliberately separated from the natural and expected result of that satisfaction.

One is not “using the child” as a contraceptive. One is simply feeding the child in a manner that is totally consistent with the order of nature which is God’s “very good” creation. Taking into one’s system agents that alter God’s “very good” creation aside for the treatment of disease or injury, is intrinsically evil because one thwarts God’s very good design and hijacks it chemically (or surgically, etc.) for selfish motives. This denies God the opportunity to engage in His creative act while the couple engages in theirs. This is an offense against God Himself, and thus, it is intrinsically evil.
speaking as a grandmother who does not have active day to day concern with this issue, it is hard enough to get women to breastfeed at all for any significant length of time. If you try to sell it by promising birth control effects, and make it into rocket science to achieve that effect, you are going to have some disappointed disillusioned parents around. I would rather use the time for marriage and family education to promote the idea of what is best for mommy and baby is best for the family, that dad will not shrivel up and turn in to an avocado if he gives it a rest for a few months and demonstrates his love and devotion in other ways besides sex until wife is ready physically and emotionally for another pregnancy. That is why I like NFP, which promotes couples knowing and careing for each other on a more intimate level.
that dad will not shrivel up and turn in to an avocado if he gives it a rest for a few months
😃 Where in the world do you get the comparison to an avocado? Never mind, it’s funny anyway. Maybe you’ve lived in CA and can imagine rows and rows of trees with ex-dads hanging on them…oh gosh!
The natural ovulation suppressing action of nursing is NOT chemically the same as the pill. The pill functions in two ways. The intended way is to suppress ovulation. But it ALSO has the effect of preventing a zygote from implanting in the uterous. In other words it can just as well cause AN ABORTION.

Regardless of mom’s intent, her baby is now getting some humongous health and emotional benefits from this practice. No wonder God chose to encourage nursing with this little extra bonus!
The natural ovulation suppressing action of nursing is NOT chemically the same as the pill. The pill functions in two ways. The intended way is to suppress ovulation. But it ALSO has the effect of preventing a zygote from implanting in the uterous. In other words it can just as well cause AN ABORTION.
That is not necessarily true!
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