Brian Kopp has an interesting article at the Catholic Educator’s Resource website challenging the popular Western notion that overpopulation=poverty.
Read the full article here: catholiceducation.org/articles/population/pc0007.htmlHaving spent time doing medical missionary work in Haiti, I know first hand the effects of the contraceptive imperialism the USA imposes on the third world. It costs pennies to effectively treat many of the diseases from which Haitians suffer. But when a Haitian mother brings a dying child to a government clinic for a couple cents worth of antibiotics or antimalarial medications necessary to save his life, there are few or none available on the shelves. But there are millions of dollars worth of contraceptives available in Haiti. Or when a Kenyan woman goes to a hospital with an infected uterus due to the IUD some doctor implanted without her knowledge after her last delivery, she may die due to lack of a clean, well equipped operating room. But if she desires a tubal ligation, she can be immediately escorted into a new, clean, well equipped operating room stocked only for that purpose by kind, compassionate population controllers in the West. And the church hospitals are left trying to pick up the pieces. I and my peers who do missionary work in the third world have personally seen cases like these happening with increasing frequency. Is this the type of compassion for which we want America to be known?