For more information …
Contra-Ception means to PREVENT CONCEPTION. Contraception has multiple ways in which it works. Did you know one of those ways occurs AFTER THE ONE CELLED EMBRYO (HUMAN BEING) is created??
Yes, many forms of so-called contraception will alter the lining of the wall of the uterus so the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. This will happen 7-10 days after the EMBRYO (HUMAN BEING) is created. Therefore what you have is an UNKNOWN CHEMICAL ABORTION.
We know there are 4,000 SURGICAL ABORTIONS in the US EVERY DAY? How many CHEMICAL ABORTIONS do you think happen in the US every day?
A better word for “Contraception” is “Birth Control”. Let’s call it what it really is!!! Not many people know about this, so SPREAD THE WORD!!!
- Go to all.org/
- Click on Letter “C” on the A-Z Menu
- Go to **“Contraceptives” **
- Click on each type of SO-CALLED CONTRACEPTIVE to find out the many ways in which they work.
Contra-Ception means to PREVENT CONCEPTION. Contraception has multiple ways in which it works. Did you know one of those ways occurs AFTER THE ONE CELLED EMBRYO (HUMAN BEING) is created??
Yes, many forms of so-called contraception will alter the lining of the wall of the uterus so the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. This will happen 7-10 days after the EMBRYO (HUMAN BEING) is created. Therefore what you have is an UNKNOWN CHEMICAL ABORTION.
We know there are 4,000 SURGICAL ABORTIONS in the US EVERY DAY? How many CHEMICAL ABORTIONS do you think happen in the US every day?
A better word for “Contraception” is “Birth Control”. Let’s call it what it really is!!! Not many people know about this, so SPREAD THE WORD!!!