What is the truth anyways? There are Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Christians. I have a fairly open mind and listen to anyone’s opinion. Protestant think Catholics are not following. Muslims believe Allah is God. Even within the Catholic community, people disagree on how serious a particular sin or what should be considered a sin. “Cafeteria Catholics” pray for the intolerance by the “traditional Catholics.” “Traditional Catholics” pray for “cafeteria Catholics.” What exactly makes someone a bigot? I am even surprised. People have different definitions of what constitutes gossip. Some Christians are so against being judgmental and all for Jesus’s love. Some are more judgmental. I just do not understand. Why can’t people respect other people’s opinions without name-calling? No matter what position, I take I will be a bad person to someone. If I think homosexuality is a sin, I am narrow-minded bigot. If I do not, I am a cafeteria Catholic. If I do not agree with abortion, I am not for women’s reproductive rights, if I do, I am condoning murder. If I speak out against sin, IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO TELL OTHERS WHAT TO DO IN THEIR PERSONAL LIFE. If I do not speak out against sin, what type of friend are you to watch someone sin mortally? IF I evangelize, I am being annoying. Religion is supposed to be personal. If I don’t evangelize, then I have failed.
When it comes to determining in broad terms which religion you is correct (Christianity/Islam, then Catholicism/Protestantism, etc) - we have reason. We do our best. Once we settle upon Catholicism, and for the issues within Catholicism - we do what the Church itself teaches.
So it doesn’t matter if one Catholic says we aren’t being pious enough, or if another says we are closed minded and bigoted, it matters if we are following the truth that Christ has revealed and entrusted to His Church. Accused of being unfaithful for going to a Mass in English or receiving on the hand? Shrug it off, the Church says those things are ok. Accused of being bigoted for recognizing that sex outside of marriage is wrong? Well in fact it is wrong, as the Church teaches, so those who so accuse you are wrong.
Some things are prudential judgement of course - the line between evangelization and nagging. In these cases we just do our best to absorb the general guidance we receive from those qualified to give it, and do our best.
The important thing is not to confuse division among people with division within the truth. Some Catholics think all kinds of things that don’t mesh with Church teaching. They are just wrong.
But how is that not judging? You are saying that you know what is wrong (i.e., what is sinful),
Yes, to some extent. (That is, there may be some situations where it’s hard to tell, but for many things yes.)
you believe you have the capacity to recognize wrongful behavior,
Yes again, at least to some extent.
you think you can accurately label who is in sin,
Here is the distinction. I can, if I see someone doing something that I know to be wrong, know that he is doing something wrong. But doing something wrong isn’t all it takes for an action to be sinful.
and you have assumed the role of correcting them. In what sense is that not judging?
It is not judging the person (if done correctly), it is judging the action.