Hello, as some requested, I will post some things from our conversation, and I ask for guidance and advice.
Here is what I last sent him, including the examples suggested in the other thread:
"Sure, I see your views. And I saw the video, and the wiki.
However, Here are some good analogies of Gods omniscience and our free will.
Have you ever heard a voicemail? Or watched a video? Now that stuff’s all been recorded. It can be heard/watched any number of times and won’t ever change. But did your friend cause those things to be recorded that way?
What would happen if a guy had figured out time travel. Let’s say that guy travels to the future. Buys a newspaper. And goes back to the past. Assuming he doesn’t show that paper to anyone and doesn’t change a thing based on what he knows won’t that paper have the same headline when he finally lives up to that date? I mean free choice is free. And just because a guy knows what’s going to be chosen doesn’t mean it isn’t freely done.
Goes to show knowing is not causing, perhaps to give you a different view of free will, being more of a conscious decision.
There actually are plenty of reasons to believe in God. If you have not found any compelling reason, thats something. But saying theres none, that philosophers and theologians have discussed amongst themselves for a long time about this and gotten nothing, zip, nada, thats a problem.
I believe there have been atheistical reasons put forth, but there have also been replies, so you just need to keep an open mind, we can keep discussing here, and I do suggest you call in on Friday, it should be of great help on your main concerns.
We can talk about the existence of God for starters, sure, heres one argument we have not talked about:
If something exists you wonder why does it exist?
Universe needs an explanation, and it does not need to exist
Explanation is found in something that needs to exist, If God is existence itself, then God is necessary, therefore it follows we have a source for why a universe that does not have to exist, does exist."
He replied:
"1) the voicemail and recording arent omnisciently foreseen therefor guarenteed to happen
2)time travel will always affect the future so theres a chance that it would have the same headline but its not guaranteed to
Even before this universe existed its not like there was nothing, we can think of what came before it as its own universe. Nothing NEEDS to exist, it just does exist. Now, what created god? Every effect has a cause so surely a god must too. If you can say that he is eternal then you can say that an infinite chain of universes popping in an out of existence could exist too. God isnt needed, he serves no purpose. If hes real and omniscient then hes a big douche to be honest. He creates people for the sole purpose of wanting them to love him even though he knows beforehand that they wont. He makes people specifically so that they will love him, but then punishes those that dont even though they have no real choice of whether or not they want to love him because he already knows if they will or wont. This brings another question, if god is omniscient (which has been proven ti negate free will) then he must foresee his own actions as well, and since an omniscient being has foreseen his acti
Ons then he cannot deviate from that foreseen path. So does god have free will? (Dont know why that part didnt send)"
Of course, I have multiple things I can answer properly. For example, I can certainly clarify that example #1 was just to illustrate Gods omniscience. #2 clearly said “Assuming he doesn’t show that paper to anyone and doesn’t change a thing based on what he knows.”
And his talk about nothing needing to exist, because it just does, well that does not explain anything, and as I heard before, an infinite regress is illogical(/or impossible? Help?).
What created God? Asking that is like asking what is an uncaused cause. If something created God, we still have that regress and no beginning, so God would be as meaningless of a creator as an alien, because things in space and time need a creator. God, though, is outside of space and time, an infinite being, immaterial, creator of the universe, etc.
Anything to add here?
Then he goes on speaking as if he did not take anything away from our ongoing discussion, making it a cycle. I already explained God does not create people just to send people to Hell or Heaven. He still is not connecting our beliefs of Gods omniscience, seeing more of a calvinistic predetermination, and he also continues seeing God as evil.
Any way to break down all of those things he has misunderstood about God? Personally, I don’t have a good explanation for the “creating people” part.
I saw an answer to the God having free will question on the forum, free will boiling down to the choice between good and evil, and to say that God has the opportunity to choose against Himself would be a contradiction in terms of His nature.
I’ve observed, if you guys have not already, that he has a big issue with Gods omniscience, free will, and really, understanding God in general. I get its difficult to grasp God when you have a bunch of questions in your way which seem to fill your thoughts with God being a contradiction, and if this conversation does not help him understand those things, well, maybe CAL or something else at some point will.
So yeah, any help with adequately addressing these concerns, and, most importantly, advice and guidance for where to lead the conversation, what extra things to tell him/ask, etc, would help.
Thank you!
Here is what I last sent him, including the examples suggested in the other thread:
"Sure, I see your views. And I saw the video, and the wiki.
However, Here are some good analogies of Gods omniscience and our free will.
Have you ever heard a voicemail? Or watched a video? Now that stuff’s all been recorded. It can be heard/watched any number of times and won’t ever change. But did your friend cause those things to be recorded that way?
What would happen if a guy had figured out time travel. Let’s say that guy travels to the future. Buys a newspaper. And goes back to the past. Assuming he doesn’t show that paper to anyone and doesn’t change a thing based on what he knows won’t that paper have the same headline when he finally lives up to that date? I mean free choice is free. And just because a guy knows what’s going to be chosen doesn’t mean it isn’t freely done.
Goes to show knowing is not causing, perhaps to give you a different view of free will, being more of a conscious decision.
There actually are plenty of reasons to believe in God. If you have not found any compelling reason, thats something. But saying theres none, that philosophers and theologians have discussed amongst themselves for a long time about this and gotten nothing, zip, nada, thats a problem.
I believe there have been atheistical reasons put forth, but there have also been replies, so you just need to keep an open mind, we can keep discussing here, and I do suggest you call in on Friday, it should be of great help on your main concerns.
We can talk about the existence of God for starters, sure, heres one argument we have not talked about:
If something exists you wonder why does it exist?
Universe needs an explanation, and it does not need to exist
Explanation is found in something that needs to exist, If God is existence itself, then God is necessary, therefore it follows we have a source for why a universe that does not have to exist, does exist."
He replied:
"1) the voicemail and recording arent omnisciently foreseen therefor guarenteed to happen
2)time travel will always affect the future so theres a chance that it would have the same headline but its not guaranteed to
Even before this universe existed its not like there was nothing, we can think of what came before it as its own universe. Nothing NEEDS to exist, it just does exist. Now, what created god? Every effect has a cause so surely a god must too. If you can say that he is eternal then you can say that an infinite chain of universes popping in an out of existence could exist too. God isnt needed, he serves no purpose. If hes real and omniscient then hes a big douche to be honest. He creates people for the sole purpose of wanting them to love him even though he knows beforehand that they wont. He makes people specifically so that they will love him, but then punishes those that dont even though they have no real choice of whether or not they want to love him because he already knows if they will or wont. This brings another question, if god is omniscient (which has been proven ti negate free will) then he must foresee his own actions as well, and since an omniscient being has foreseen his acti
Ons then he cannot deviate from that foreseen path. So does god have free will? (Dont know why that part didnt send)"
Of course, I have multiple things I can answer properly. For example, I can certainly clarify that example #1 was just to illustrate Gods omniscience. #2 clearly said “Assuming he doesn’t show that paper to anyone and doesn’t change a thing based on what he knows.”
And his talk about nothing needing to exist, because it just does, well that does not explain anything, and as I heard before, an infinite regress is illogical(/or impossible? Help?).
What created God? Asking that is like asking what is an uncaused cause. If something created God, we still have that regress and no beginning, so God would be as meaningless of a creator as an alien, because things in space and time need a creator. God, though, is outside of space and time, an infinite being, immaterial, creator of the universe, etc.
Anything to add here?
Then he goes on speaking as if he did not take anything away from our ongoing discussion, making it a cycle. I already explained God does not create people just to send people to Hell or Heaven. He still is not connecting our beliefs of Gods omniscience, seeing more of a calvinistic predetermination, and he also continues seeing God as evil.
Any way to break down all of those things he has misunderstood about God? Personally, I don’t have a good explanation for the “creating people” part.
I saw an answer to the God having free will question on the forum, free will boiling down to the choice between good and evil, and to say that God has the opportunity to choose against Himself would be a contradiction in terms of His nature.
I’ve observed, if you guys have not already, that he has a big issue with Gods omniscience, free will, and really, understanding God in general. I get its difficult to grasp God when you have a bunch of questions in your way which seem to fill your thoughts with God being a contradiction, and if this conversation does not help him understand those things, well, maybe CAL or something else at some point will.
So yeah, any help with adequately addressing these concerns, and, most importantly, advice and guidance for where to lead the conversation, what extra things to tell him/ask, etc, would help.
Thank you!