Conversion assistance with the Green Scapular

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It is no surprise the number of good souls on this forum seeking conversion of loved ones. I, too, am seeking such. It can be a heartbreaking challenge for those of us who so desperately want loved ones to be converted.

I want to encourage people to use this weapon/tool/gift from Our Lady because it does have awesome powers.

So folks, let’s pump up some of these souls with your testimonies of the awe of the Green Scapular. I feel there are many people here who need this encouragement today.

I love the Green Scapular and believe Our Lady has given us this tool to assist with conversions.

Is anyone using this? Please tell us your succes.
The great thing about the scapular is that it does not need to be worn - like the brown one does. It can be hidden under a mattress, sock drawer, under a car seat, in the closet. (for those of you who are dealing with a non-believer or someone who scoffs at you).

You can buy the scapular at any Catholic book store.

Someone needs to say the daily prayer that accompanies this. If you are hiding the scapular - you will need to say this daily. “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

A bit of history: Our Blessed Mother gave us one means of converting a loved one when she appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu in 1840 carrying the cloth of conversion—the Green Scapular. She said, ‘This holy badge of my Immaculate Heart is to be the means of conversion of souls…’ Over a six year period our Lady appeared many times to Sister Justine and answered her many questions concerning the scapular and its usage.

Our Lady said the Green Scapular needs no special blessing nor does one need to be invested or enrolled in it. Any priest may bless it. It may be worn or carried by the person you wish to benefit. It may even be placed unknown to the individual in his or her clothes, bed or room should they refuse to take it or wear it.

Once again, everyday one should say the prayer, ‘IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, PRAY FOR US NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH.’ If the person for whom the scapular is intended will not say the prayer then the one who gives the scapular must say it in his or her place, everyday.

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Concerning the power of the Green Scapular with regard to conversions, remember confidence in the Mother of God is the key. She said,"The greatest graces come from using the scapular but these graces come in direct proportion to the degree of confidence in me which the user has."

Now go and get your scapulars and start hiding them and praying. Let’s get some great testimonies back here with Godspeed!
I had been praying for the conversion of my husband for some time. I know my prayers are heard and in God’s time not mine he will answer this prayer. The amazing thing is that one day while I was going through the supply room at our CCD building, I found this box full of these little books called *The Wonders of the Holy * Name and inside each book was a green scapular!!! I took one and did place under the matress of our bed (on the side where my husband sleeps). I do recite the prayer and many more for God’s grace upon my husband and I know that even though my husband outwardly shows no interest in the Catholic faith that spiritually he is already on the journey!!!

God Bless All
I do recite the prayer and many more for God’s grace upon my husband and I know that even though my husband outwardly shows no interest in the Catholic faith that spiritually he is already on the journey!!!

God Bless All
And one day, your husband will surprise you! With God’s help. Keep on praying and have faith. Our Lady hears your prayers.
Thanks JRABS:

I believe in the power of prayer and also many gathering together to pray for the same thing too~~let’s all of us keep the faith and keep praying with the help of Mary and that miraculous “Green Scapular” tucked under the side of our loved ones side of the bed
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