Convert needs help

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Hi i have decided to become catholic. I have never been baptised and i was not raised with any religion but have always believed in god. I have a dilemma as i married a woman 3 years ago but she was divorced.

She is catholic and so was her then husband, both of them baptised. I understand from scripture we are living in sun and are guilty of adultery. I plan to start my conversion into the catholic faith as soon as the churches re open.

She has told me she can get an anullment from the church but will it actually work or will we forever be living in sin. I know we can repent but doubt we will be forgiven because we wont end the relationship.

Someone please help this is really holding me back
We really cannot say if you’ll get an annulment or not. That can only be determined by your diocesan Tribunal. You both need to get in contact with your local priest and ask him to help her initialize the annulment procedures. If you’re both in an adulterous relationship, you need to live as brother and sister until the Tribunal grants her the annulment and you are both married. Either way, it is another thing you need to tell the priest.
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Thanks for your answer. Is it ok for us to live in the same house?
That’ll be a question for the priest. I don’t want to give the wrong answer.
And a big congratulations for following your conscience and moving toward the Catholic Church! I am sure this feels overwhelming to you right now, but God will guide you through it. You are not the first, by any means, to be in this situation, and God will bless your journey through it.
No one, not even your wife can state an annulment “will” be granted. They are all too common so your chances are probably good. You owe it to your marriage to seek one. Speak with a priest ASAP about the process.
I know we can repent but doubt we will be forgiven because we wont end the relationship.
The statement above is not the way to go about pleading the Lord’s forgiveness…to say you repent but be set in whatever you want to do anyway is not true repentance. I have no opinion on what you should do because I am not educated on the subject and can not judge, and I wish you and her all the best, may God bless you both. But to repent in the Greek (commonly used in written scripture) is “metanoeó” which means “to change one’s mind or purpose.” If you have decided not to change something, you have not changed your mind or purpose. It sounds like you are seeking forgiveness but determined not to change something that may be God’s Will? I think your conversion is absolutely wonderful and I hope God blesses and approves your relationship! But be careful asking forgiveness when you plan on not changing something anyway, this is a very questionable means to attempt to gain forgiveness.
No one, not even your wife can state an annulment “will” be granted. They are all too common so your chances are probably good. You owe it to your marriage to seek one. Speak with a priest ASAP about the process.
Maybe it’s lack of form. That is one case that is easy to know.
All too common means just that. It’s above my pay grade and knowledge to state the “why” of the spike in modern annulments, but 1 annulment is too common in a perfect world. An annulment signals that something was wrong. And when something was wrong that is all too common.
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