I am a recent convert to Catholicism. My wife have always considered faith to be the central and most important source of strength in our marriage, and so we continue to pray and read the Bible together every day, but she is not willing to convert with me. We are both very committed to our faith and have placing God first in all aspects of our family life. There was some difficulty when I first announced that I had been convinced of the truth in the Catholic Church and that I had to convert, but we have largely surmounted this. My wife is very committed to her church (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) and so I have supported her involvement, and I continue to be friends with the pastor there, who has been pretty accepting of my decision to become Catholic. I normally go to Mass early on Sunday mornings and then going to Lutheran service with my wife and our three children afterwards. My understanding was that this is acceptable as long as I do not partake in communion at the Lutheran Church. However, I am now hearing that it is prohibited for Catholics to actively participate in common worship in any part of a non- catholic service. Does this mean that I should not be singing hymns, saying the Nicene Creed, and the Our Father together with my family at the Lutheran Church?