I’m attracted to the teachings of peace and love. I feel so peaceful and closer to God after Mass. I’ve never felt as close to God as I do now. And I believe this is what God wants of me. But I also believe that my love for my girlfriend is something God gave me and her.
OK - I hope I don’t mess up this answer.
It is truly wonderful that you feel close to God. That is a blessing that many search for, and far fewer actually find.
We are called by God to love our fellow human beings. But there are different kinds of love. There is love of neighbor. And there is the kind of love which brings forth new life.
The kind of love which brings forth new life is special, because we become co-creators of that new life with God. This type of love requires a man and a woman, and is formally called marriage. Marriage requires not just a public declaration or a signed document. A marriage must also be “consummated” to be valid.
The type of act which mimics consummation, but which is not (since it is physically impossible), is considered to be a disordered act. Although it serves a purpose of expressing one’s love, no new life can come from it. (Ditto for contraception use when a married man and woman are involved).
As mentioned above, SSA is not considered a sin in itself. It obviously is a temptation, however. Just as there is opposite sex attraction which can lead to sin. ALL people, independent of their orientation, who are not married are called to refrain from acting on the temptation to engage in marital acts. And acting on such temptations is a sin.
Life for you in the Catholic Church will be difficult. I’m not recommending that you find something else, quite the contrary. Most people have crosses to bear. Yours may be heavier than many others. A lifetime of chastity is difficult to accept. But Jesus and the saints tell us that when we accept our crosses in this life, our rewards will be greater in the next life.
BTW - I also recommend that you speak with a priest about all this.
Good luck on your journey, and may you find love and peace.