Converting to catholic BUT

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Frankly I am disapointed in myself and the church right now. Just so you have a frame of reference I am converting from L.D.S. I miss the lds child programs. Like boy scouts for my boys. I am thinking of enrolling my oldest into the L.D.S troup here in town because I work and my husband doesn’t have the motivation to take him to a meeting and I know he would be picked up and taken to the l.d.s troop on a consistant basis. I know the L.D.S. gospel isn’t true but right now I am feeling very alone and disconected from my new catholic congregation. Mostly this is my jobs fault. I work as a 911 dispatcher and my work schedule makes saturday and sunday mass attendence impossible if I am going to get sleep in between my shifts. And a drowsy 911 operator is not a good idea for anyone. I am saddend because when I don’t make it to church my husband doesn’t take our children. I understand mass with kids is not plesant but I am worried about my kids not getting any foundation in christ at this rate. I have even considered putting the kids back into L.D.S sunday school just so they would go to something on sundays. Sorry to vent so much online but for a church that isn’t true its childrens programs, and member support is allot better than my local parishes. I’m crying as I type because all of this is very hard on me. I know the doctrine of the l.d.s. church isn’t sound but so far it looks like my family were better mormons than we’ll ever be catholics. I could use any prayers you have to spare for me and my family while we struggle through R.C.I.A.
Hi Jodi,
I am so sorry you’re having a hard time making the adjustment… I just became Catholic last Easter & I know just what you mean about the lack of children’s programs. Although I wasn’t LDS, my old evangelical church had tons of stuff for the kids - they really loved going there and all of that came to a halt when I felt God calling me to the Catholic Church. I guess in time I’ve come to view it as picking up our cross & following Him… there are just some things we have to give up. For someone who isn’t a Christian - maybe they have to give up gambling or drugs… for those of us who come from other faiths - we have to give up things we really liked - Sunday School classes for example. Because when it comes down to it… the only thing that really matters is being faithful to God’s call.

You said that you know that the teachings of the LDS church aren’t true… I beg you not to send your kids to the school or the classes anymore. It will only confuse them. Is there a Catholic School in your area they could attend? My kids started going to our parish school this year and it has really helped them to feel more connected. What about CCD classes? They are held for kids - typically one night during the week.

Have you talked to your RCIA team or your Priest about your struggles? They are there to help you. Right now Satan is throwing every doubt & worry you could possibly have in your path. Being in RCIA & working towards becoming Catholic was a terribly stressful time for me also. At one point I questioned so much - I almost gave up. But once you KNOW what’s true - it’s impossible to go backwards - you’ll never be truly happy. You just need to ask God to help you get through this time. It will be sooooo worth it in the end. I promise you! At this point I wouldn’t trade my faith in Jesus & LOVE for his Church for all the cool children’s programs or anything else my old church had.

I’m sorry you are sad. Talk to your Priest - talk to your RCIA team. Things will get better.

Bless you friend,
Welcome to the Church!! I am sorry that you are having a difficult time finding children’s programs. There are bound to be some at your parish–boys scouts, girls scouts, CYO sports, etc. Our boys go to ConQuest . I hope there is one in your area. It sounds like rides are difficult for you. Perhaps you can call your parish secretary. She can probably hook you up with some other families to help.

We definitely could learn something from the LDS church about family support. Perhaps when life is a little less stressful for you, you can help your parish reach out to families.

I would also encourage you to look into a Familia program. It is a great Catechesis program that really gets into an examination of women’s vocations in the world. You will form some great friendships with likeminded women. And, they will be a good support for you and your family.

I am praying for you. I know that being a parent can be so stressful. I am particularly praying that God will open up a great job for you that will both provide for your family and allow you more time for your kids. God Bless you, Mom. The Catholic Church is fortunate to inherit such a dedicated mother.
P.S. did you know that there is daily Mass offered at most parishes? My friend who worked as a nurse on weekends would take her kids to daily Mass.
Frankly I am disapointed in myself and the church right now. Just so you have a frame of reference I am converting from L.D.S. I miss the lds child programs. Like boy scouts for my boys. I am thinking of enrolling my oldest into the L.D.S troup here in town because I work and my husband doesn’t have the motivation to take him to a meeting and I know he would be picked up and taken to the l.d.s troop on a consistant basis.

. I am saddend because when I don’t make it to church my husband doesn’t take our children. I understand mass with kids is not plesant but I am worried about my kids not getting any foundation in christ at this rate. I

sunday school just so they would go to something on sundays. Sorry to vent so much online but for a church that isn’t true its childrens programs, and member support is allot better than my local parishes. .A.
sounds like first you have not looked into children’s programs at surround Catholic parishes. Our parish has a Catholic school, CCD 3 nights a week, Saturday morning and Sunday morning, Vacation Bible School, youth group, boy scouts, girls scouts, Jr. Catholic Daughters, several after school activities such as gymnastics, karate etc, youth softball, youth choir and that is all I can think of off hand, oh, also team sports and other competitive academic activities through the school.

Sounds more like you have a problem communicating with your husband on the necessity for him taking some responsibility for the children’s church going and other activities while you are at work. That is something the two of you will have to work out, but hardly something you can blame on the Catholic Church.

Please call surrounding Catholic parishes and ask to speak to the Director of Religious Education and find out what is offered for children. I will also remind you of what I tell all parents, they are the primary religious educators of their children. They will not pick up at CCD, Church or Catholic School what is not modeled in the home.
JMJ Theresa:
P.S. did you know that there is daily Mass offered at most parishes? My friend who worked as a nurse on weekends would take her kids to daily Mass.
most parishes?? Not in my town. There are two out of 7 parishes that do.
Frankly I am disapointed in myself and the church right now. Just so you have a frame of reference I am converting from L.D.S. I miss the lds child programs. Like boy scouts for my boys. I am thinking of enrolling my oldest into the L.D.S troup here in town because I work and my husband doesn’t have the motivation to take him to a meeting and I know he would be picked up and taken to the l.d.s troop on a consistant basis. I know the L.D.S. gospel isn’t true but right now I am feeling very alone and disconected from my new catholic congregation. Mostly this is my jobs fault. I work as a 911 dispatcher and my work schedule makes saturday and sunday mass attendence impossible if I am going to get sleep in between my shifts. And a drowsy 911 operator is not a good idea for anyone. I am saddend because when I don’t make it to church my husband doesn’t take our children. I understand mass with kids is not plesant but I am worried about my kids not getting any foundation in christ at this rate. I have even considered putting the kids back into L.D.S sunday school just so they would go to something on sundays. Sorry to vent so much online but for a church that isn’t true its childrens programs, and member support is allot better than my local parishes. I’m crying as I type because all of this is very hard on me. I know the doctrine of the l.d.s. church isn’t sound but so far it looks like my family were better mormons than we’ll ever be catholics. I could use any prayers you have to spare for me and my family while we struggle through R.C.I.A.
Hi, Jodi - welcome home, to Rome!
Does your Parish have a Mom’s Club? Does your Parish sponsor a Boy Scout troup yet? Our’s does…so it might be time to talk to the Pastor and see if the events coordinator for the parish can get some announcements out in the bulletin…
You might be entering the Church at exactly the RIGHT TIME!!! It sounds like you might be bringing some experience in family outreach and organization that the LDS church has that your Parish lacks. We can learn much from our Protestant and LDS brothers and sisters, and you just might be the breath of new fresh air Christ had in mind when the Holy Spirit spoke to you to bring you Home to Rome!
Meanwhile, baby, I know you are tired and working hard…you’ve got a lot on your plate. Let Jesus and Our Blessed Mother show you the way…just ask for the help, it’s there…do NOT be afraid!
Hi, Jodi - welcome home, to Rome!
Does your Parish have a Mom’s Club? Does your Parish sponsor a Boy Scout troup yet? Our’s does…so it might be time to talk to the Pastor and see if the events coordinator for the parish can get some announcements out in the bulletin…
You might be entering the Church at exactly the RIGHT TIME!!! It sounds like you might be bringing some experience in family outreach and organization that the LDS church has that your Parish lacks. We can learn much from our Protestant and LDS brothers and sisters, and you just might be the breath of new fresh air Christ had in mind when the Holy Spirit spoke to you to bring you Home to Rome!
Meanwhile, baby, I know you are tired and working hard…you’ve got a lot on your plate. Let Jesus and Our Blessed Mother show you the way…just ask for the help, it’s there…do NOT be afraid!
Leslie has a good idea. YOU could be the one to bring us all into better children’s programs.

Just a question- is your husband Catholic or LDS or nothing? He may not know how important it is to get those kids to Mass.

Also, don’t overlook I’m not sure where you live, but this should help you find something, weekday or Sunday. You are only obligated to do what you can- nice thing about being Catholic.
Frankly I am disapointed in myself and the church right now. Just so you have a frame of reference I am converting from L.D.S. I miss the lds child programs. Like boy scouts for my boys. I am thinking of enrolling my oldest into the L.D.S troup here in town because I work and my husband doesn’t have the motivation to take him to a meeting and I know he would be picked up and taken to the l.d.s troop on a consistant basis. I know the L.D.S. gospel isn’t true but right now I am feeling very alone and disconected from my new catholic congregation. Mostly this is my jobs fault. I work as a 911 dispatcher and my work schedule makes saturday and sunday mass attendence impossible if I am going to get sleep in between my shifts. And a drowsy 911 operator is not a good idea for anyone. I am saddend because when I don’t make it to church my husband doesn’t take our children. I understand mass with kids is not plesant but I am worried about my kids not getting any foundation in christ at this rate. I have even considered putting the kids back into L.D.S sunday school just so they would go to something on sundays. Sorry to vent so much online but for a church that isn’t true its childrens programs, and member support is allot better than my local parishes. I’m crying as I type because all of this is very hard on me. I know the doctrine of the l.d.s. church isn’t sound but so far it looks like my family were better mormons than we’ll ever be catholics. I could use any prayers you have to spare for me and my family while we struggle through R.C.I.A.
Hi Jodi- I debated about responding to you because I don’t have much to offer you except prayer for you and your family. Myself and my husband are also ex-LDS and in RCIA. It has been a challenge with young children. Sometimes I don’t feel like going to Mass at all b/c I spend most of my time wrestling my hyperactive young kids. (Of course I felt like that in sacrament meeting also). I don’t know where you are, but are you certain that none of the parishes has a boy scout troop? (Our parish sponsors one.) And if your husband won’t take the kids to Mass on the weekend, can you take them on a weekday? Can they watch Mass on EWTN? I don’t know what your experience with the LDS church as been in relation to your leaving, but why would you want to put your children into a class where you know they will be taught something NOT TRUE? The Mormon teachings about Jesus are a lot different than Catholic, so your children would end up confused, and not with a firm foundation of Christ. Plus they’d be learning about an apostacy that never happened and how they need to “follow the prophet” and go to a temple. Very confusing for them. And if you have your children in Sunday school, the LDS congregation might try to pressure to to begin attending again.

I’m really sorry that you are going through this right now. Have you tried to talk to your RCIA team? Ours has been great with connecting us with others, they might be able to tell you about groups you may not already know about. What about your RCIA sponsor? If you joined something like the choir or altar society you might connect with others. Just ideas. I’ll be praying for you, it can be a challenge. I’ll pray that all works out for you. I’m not sure how private messages work, but if you can with my profile, feel free to!

Take care, Andrea

PS- I hope I didn’t offend you with anything I said. Hang in there!
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