My life began on a high and desert plain, but where the streets do have names. The place was no utopia, but in retrospect, I wish that it were, etymologically speaking. It was hot and dry; it was a waste. Why I had been born here was, of course, providential; but was, as such, a mystery the depths of which I’m only beginning to plumb.
I was taught the value of water, particularly by my parents, but also from the Spirit of Water Himself, which rained down on the just and on myself alike. I learned to seek the water. I tasted its goodness and richness and sensed its effects on my body and on my ability to grow healthy and live strong. I followed the water.
The water led me, drew me along as it flowed. I found it in lives I watched and sometimes emulated, in moments when I felt the water flow between myself and another. But mostly I found it in books.
I learned early that one book, purportedly written by the Lord of Waters Himself, quenched like no other. It smacked of water itself. It was cool and pure, calming and healing, even at times maddening and inspirational. It was ice, steam, stream, and fountain. It taught me to recognize purity when I tasted it.
From the book, however, I launched out into a deep of liquid horizons. Some of the water was bitter and undrinkable, useful only in mixing in solution for effect. Some was very, very sweet – but deceptively so. Sugar sweet, honey sweet, but not pure, not healthy. Oft I would become confused by the sweet or the bitter, and wonder which were the true and the pure. Then I would remember the book where I started, and I would know which waters to trust.
I continued following the waters for years. They lead me to bigger creeks, on to streams, to rivers, and occasionally, a lake. At these lakes I would find other people, also interested in pure water, or not, gathered around and drinking. In these lakes I found pure water, bitter water, sweet, salty, and even dead. It became ever more necessary to filter. I could sense which waters were pure, compared to the main source, and which were too … one thing or other.
My life became a journey, a pilgrimage pursuing the course of the waters. My prayers were to follow faithfully, to avoid entanglement in the briars which prevented my journey. The Lord of Waters answered me, and continually, spoke to my heart ‘Come. Follow. Drink.’
The rivers widened.
The flow increased, and frightened me.
I sensed the purity of the water which I (cont in next post)