Converts--What do you appreciate most?

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Perhaps this thread belongs in the “spirituality” section. But I want people to feel free to submit “non-spiritual” answers to the question!

And although I am addressing the thread to converts to Catholicism, all the cradle Catholics and reverts and any category that I have missed are welcome to join in.

My question: What do you appreciate most about the Catholic Church?

For me, as I’m sure it is for many others, it is Eucharist. I have always longed for it, and now I am satisfied.

I also appreciate several other things:
  1. The 24-hour a day Adoration Chapel. I love sitting there, praying, reading the Bible, and adoring Jesus.
  2. Kneelers and kneeling in church facing forward, not the back of your pew.
  3. The Rosary, especially offering it for someone.
  4. The Liturgy. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, worship is easier when we know the routine. It is harder to worship when we are constantly being surprised and have to keep checking the “Programme” to see what happens next!
  5. The Sacrament of Reconciliation. I love it and hate it at the same time! I hate that I sin and have to confess it, but I love being able to confess in front of a real person, not just into the air. As a Protestant, I never thought about my sins; I believed that they were all forgiven anyway, so I shouldn’t dwell on myself.
  6. The chorus “Gather Us In.” Sorry, all you purists, but I really like the words to this song! It would never be sung in a Protestant gathering, or at least, in an evangelical Protestant gathering.
  7. Priests in long, black cassocks. I am reminded of the Old Testament priests, and that makes me think of God’s plan of redemption that he designed for us, even while we were still sinners.
  8. The Stations of the Cross. I read about this devotion when I was a child, and always wanted to do it. Now I can.
  9. The Communion of the Saints–my mom is still alive and I can talk to her!
The list goes on!

What’s on your list?
Well, I am a cradle catholic, and my list looks much like yours, however, I will narrow it down. My absolute favorite thing is the Mass, and the Eucharist in particular. I have also found a new deeper appreciation for the Rosary lately.
The Catholic Church, and it’s teachings are the Truth, and I really love that part of it 'cause Jesus is the Truth.
As a convert from the Jehovah’s Witnesses via Lutheranism, I love everything about the Church. However, what stands out to me this morning is actually learning how to pray. The Catholic Church prays in so many different ways. From the Mass which is the greatest prayer, to the Rosary, Divine Office, Divine Mercy Chaplet and lots of other devotions…all of these have helped me to grow closer to the Lord. I have experienced more closeness to God since becoming Catholic than at any other time in my journey.

Jeff S.
  1. The ability to praise God through your intellect as well as your will (Systematic Theology)
  2. The Communion of Saints
  3. The Sacrament of Penance–no more despair, no more guilt!
  4. Knowing you are a part of something Eternal: Stat Crux Dum Volvitur Orbis!
  5. The guidance and wisdom of the Holy Father
And many, many more,

The Augustinian
The Eucharist and Confession .
Yeah…the Eucharist
Eucharist (frequent reception and adoration),
The pinacle of worship in the sacrifice of the mass that goes far beyond anything I experienced beforehand.
I can go to mass every day
Magesterium (the historical documents of the church from the ECF’s to current Encylicals and Catechism are a gold mine of Christian teaching … or as someone above said TRUTH),
The diversity of pious devotions and prayer at our disposal each revealing facets of Christ that you cannot get any other way.

I could go on and on, but I will stop.
giggle All of it!!! But in particular, the Eucharist and the “fullness of truth.” The Eucharist because this is Jesus come down from heaven for me. Our beloved Bridegroom. My beloved Jesus.
Sometimes I feel like an imposter! I am SOOO glad I am Catholic - a convert of sixteen and a half years now and I am THRILLED with all things Catholic! I often think I need to pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming!

I just LOVE being 100 % Roman Catholic! I thank God for His Church!
The above lists are great. I have one addition. . . The use of the physical world in worship and prayer: Rosary beads, incense, posture at Mass, holy water, physical blessings, and of course the Eucharist.

God created matter, he likes it. There is no disconnect between the spiritual part and physical part of man, it can all be used for the glory of God.
I really love the time in prayer on our knees before mass starts and during the eucharist.
As a convert from Southern Baptist, I appreciate a church that has a complete understanding of the truth, a church that doesn’t pick and choose the what it wants to believe and ignore the rest, and as a lover of history a church that has a real history with real people. Not like many protest beliefes that, when you look into their most ancient beliefs, they always say things like,“most church fathers” yet never a name, or that a group of New Testament believing Christians went underground and re-emerged around the reformation. I had read that one in one of Keatings books, then when I began reading some history of the Southern Baptist, that was actually what their history said. A true 2000 year history and a complete faith, in short, is what I appreciate the most.
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