Coping ewtn

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I’m trying to copy some of Scott Hahn’s tapes from EWTN to a CD on my computer, can anybody tell me how to do this. I put EWTN in the search box on Media player but it said it couldn’t find it.Any help will be apprecated. George :o

You might want to be careful here as you are on the verge of copyright infringement particularly if you would use the copied material for public use in study groups and such.

These items are available for sale and they benefit EWTN as well.

God Bless.


Some of the Dr. Hahn’s programs are available for listening and download at the EWTN audio library. I don’t think there are any copyright issues if EWTN has specifically made these programs available in downloadable format and they are used privately (not resold, etc.). This library has many archived programs by Fr. Dubay, Fr. Groeschel, etc. in the same format. Here is a link for Dr. Hahn:

All you have to do is choose a series link; then choose a specific show you want to hear or download. You may need a “Real One” player (available for free via download) to play them - I haven’t tried using the Windows Media Player on Winamp to play these programs, but they may work, too.

Hope this helps, peace and enjoy.
Thanks for the information. I just want to copy them so I can listen to them while I’m driving. Thanks again, George 👍
Camp Pueblano:

You might want to be careful here as you are on the verge of copyright infringement particularly if you would use the copied material for public use in study groups and such.

These items are available for sale and they benefit EWTN as well.

God Bless.

Yeah - I agree here, but if you look in the search area under “copying” I think there are threads about how to do this.
I think the easiest and best way to do this is try to find the “audio in” plug on your sound card. It’ll probably have a little picture of a microphone above it. You then want to get a double sided microphone or headphone chord and connect it to your boombox. You’ll want to go to some place like radio shack to find it if you don’t have it, it should be fairly cheap.

Once you have that, connect the chord to your headhphone jack on your boombox and your microphone plug on your computer (sound card). You’re basically turning your boombox into a microphone.

Depending on what operating system you have, you want to go to start, control panel, sounds and audio device properties. You’re basically trying to fool around with the settings so that the computer will play the microphone as the “out”, so it’ll record.

Open up your copy of “sound recorder”. It’s default location from the start menu is “all programs”, “accessories”, “entertainment”. Try to record a few seconds and play it back. Record every track as you want them as individual wav files saving them all in the same folder. Then use your favorite cd burning software to make the wav files playable on your favorite cd player!

Hope this helps. I know the mid part is a little fuzzy but it should be helpful.
George M:
I’m trying to copy some of Scott Hahn’s tapes from EWTN to a CD on my computer, can anybody tell me how to do this. I put EWTN in the search box on Media player but it said it couldn’t find it.Any help will be apprecated. George :o
George, if I recall, EWTN uses a .ra format which requires you use the Real Player to listen to it. As far as I know, Windows Media can not play the ra/rm/ram formats which belongs soley to Real Player.

There’s probably someplace on the EWTN site for you to click on to download the FREE basic version of the Real Player. When you get to the Real Player site, you may have to look closely to find the FREE version. I believe it’s located in a corner somewhere on their site. You can then burn your CDs from the Real Player.

God bless you
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