Hi, bellerman!
i am 24 and newly married, although i see you two are still engaged…so congrats!
anyway, my dad was a cop when he met my mom. they began dating and shortly therafter, he was involved in a dangerous shoot-out (while not wearing a bp vest because they were “too hot”). she simply told him that either he think about a new profession or they couldn’t date anymore because the anxiety over his safety would be her undoing. he enrolled in law school the following fall semester.
they married right about that time, and i came a year later. although law schools will tell you that working full time while taking the full courseload is next to impossible, my dad worked (on average) fifty hours a week while completing his juris doctorate. he was able to pay as he went and didn’t have loans when he graduated, “praise God,” as he would say
he had to work in order to support his small family, as shortly after i was born, my mother became pregnant with my brother…and the small army began to grow.
he graduated #3 in his class and is still an attorney, all these years later.
i dated a cop before i met my husband (who is NOT a cop!!!) and he would often work over time shift work for time and a half, or security at certain events for double time shift work. he made a lot of extra money that way, but he worked TONS of hours. TONS.
i used to work in a juvenile intake center, and a deputy was always on staff…some of them had children, and they too would put in over time at the jail or wherever, but often times worked 60-80 hours a week. that is a LOT of time away from the family.
just my two cents!!!