Cordiality---St Teresa of Avila

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I really like what St T of A has to say on our manners towards others. It sounds like we should make pleasant small talk with people and be sympathetic to their everyday concerns. 🙂

“As far as you can without offending God, try to be genial and to behave in such a way with those you have to deal with that they may take pleasure in your conversation and may wish to imitate your life and manners, instead of being frightened and deterred from virtue. This is an important matter for nuns: the more holy they are, the more cordial they ought to be with their sisters. Although you may be pained because their conversation is not what you could wish, still, never keep aloof from them, for thus you will help them and win their love. We ought to strive our best to be sociable and to humour and please those with whom we talk, especially when they are our sisters.”

I’m going to try and apply this advise to my everyday life more and more.
White Dove, I just love this! Thank you for posting it!

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