Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elzee
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Is there an official Church wording of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy? I’ve seen variations in how they are worded in different religion books, parish handouts, etc.
The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at the very end, has a section entitled, “Formulas of Catholic Doctrine.” That’s probably what you had in mind? These are how the works of mercy are listed there:

The seven corporal works of mercy:
  1. Feed the hungry.
  2. Give drink to the thirsty.
  3. Clothe the naked.
  4. Shelter the homeless.
  5. Visit the sick.
  6. Visit the imprisoned.
  7. Bury the dead.
The seven spiritual works of mercy:
  1. Counsel the doubtful.
  2. Instruct the ignorant.
  3. Admonish sinners.
  4. Comfort the afflicted.
  5. Forgive offenses.
  6. Bear wrongs patiently.
  7. Pray for the living and the dead.
The entire book can be found posted online by the Vatican at:
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