Corporate Fast

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You are too coy. Define, please. Compare and contrast. Cite examples in the Bible or the holy literature. Have an explanatory Mardi Gras.
Anyone interested in a corporate fast?
Can you please explain?
~ Kathy ~
I’m guessing he means that we abstain from supporting corporations for a certain period of time.
Kaleb Kroger:
I’m guessing he means that we abstain from supporting corporations for a certain period of time.
That would be a corporate boycott.
Merriam-Webster OnLine:
Main Entry: 3fast
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fæstan
1 : to abstain from food
2 : to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods
Merriam-Webster OnLine:
Main Entry: boy·cott
Pronunciation: 'boi-"kät
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Charles C. *Boycott *died 1897 English land agent in Ireland who was ostracized for refusing to reduce rents
: to engage in a concerted refusal to have dealings with (as a person, store, or organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions
A Corporate fast is when a group of people decide on a specific day each month, or each week that they will fast. This fasting can be for spiritual growth, or for a spouse, or for any other cause. The fast can be anything that you want to give up for the day.
A Corporate fast is when a group of people decide on a specific day each month, or each week that they will fast. This fasting can be for spiritual growth, or for a spouse, or for any other cause. The fast can be anything that you want to give up for the day.
I can do that. Name your day and name your poison.
~ Kathy ~
How about next Wednesday? It can be whatever you want, I wont eat any meat.
God Bless!
How about next Wednesday? It can be whatever you want, I wont eat any meat.
God Bless!
That’s easy! Vegan here. I’ll give up desserts instead.
~ Kathy ~
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