Corpus Christi: "come one, come all"

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Sadly, our priest chose to demonstrate his obstinacy this morning by restating in his homily that he will give communion to anyone, pro-abortion or not. He may even have meant non-Catholics, but the politicians were mentioned by name. This, apparently, being his way of giving honor to our Lord on the feast of Corpus Christi. While I know that not all priests and bishops were willing to make themselves “uncomfortable” by refusing communion to pro-abort politicians last fall, this was tantamount to an invitation and quite contrary to what I understand to have been the Vatican position as articulated by Cardinal Arinze and (then) Cardinal Ratzinger at the time. Last fall, this same individual --who is “retired” used his homily to contradict our local bishop’s pre-election instruction to the diocese. What can be done when an older priest decides to defy his bishop and the Vatican?
What can be done when an older priest decides to defy his bishop and the Vatican?
Pray, fast and offer Masses for his conversion. Treat him with Charity. The problem is not one of intellect, it is one of interior life. Soon he may be called to answer for these acts.
Daniel Kane:
Pray, fast and offer Masses for his conversion. Treat him with Charity. The problem is not one of intellect, it is one of interior life. Soon he may be called to answer for these acts.

Praying and Fasting are necessary and good, but this man needs to be reported to his bishop! He is leading the sheep astray by giving them reason to believe that these very serious sins aren’t so serious after all. He may even be leading some into damnation!

If you’ve tried to talk to him, and he’s refused to listen, there’s only one place to go, and that’s to his Bishop/Archbishop. We aren’t talking about some minor liturgical abuse or the fact that he’s a incompetent preacher or a bad confessor, but that he’s publicly said that what the Church says doesn’t matter!

Daniel, that’s serious, and has the potential to lead some of those who aren’t well-grounded in their faith astray.

I’m sorry - He has to be reported, and now, before he can do any more damage. The more people who join in reporting him, the more credible it will be. So get as many people to call, e-mail, write the Bishop as possible.

Once you’ve done that, it’s up to the Bishop to act.

But, he can’t act unless he knows.

That’s the most charitable thing you can do for everybody concerned.

May God richly bless those who act to save His Little Ones. Michael
. Last fall, this same individual --who is “retired” used his homily to contradict our local bishop’s pre-election instruction to the diocese. What can be done when an older priest decides to defy his bishop and the Vatican?
I generally concur with your post that reporting this individual to the bishop is appropriate. Since this particular priest is “older” and “retired” I presume that his antics are pretty well known in the diocese. Such individuals often have a track record.

Thus, my reccomendation for prayers for his conversion.
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