Well since i been today on conffesion i learned alot now what i didnt know for example i learned that we have to correct brother whu example argue around us like name calling or brother and sister whu gossip around us of course i do know that we need to look at our plank of eye yet i am a bit confused here what s best way to react can you help me please i show example
To not confuse what i meant i add this
Whu i am talking about is freinds or family to not misunderstand
Lets say two people argue in your presence and when we do nothing i learned that we commit sin because we didnt react
either we did laugh at it,praise it,making joke about it and approved it all that i learned is dangerous for our spiritual life aka faith
Many times i feelt that i was suposted to correct yet here s the problem when there s brutal name calling argue should i yell to stop the argument polite way telling bother afther all its for their good afther i remove my plank of eye of course conffes my sin then i can tell that its sin if there is sin with care and respect of course showing catechism if it needs
Part 2
In gossiping this can be big problem i am not shure how to correct that between two people we know and i do know i need to correct still of course for this to i learned we must do it and i fough this my self that s why because of my self i feel i have obligation to do it that it doesnt affect me even more because i learned just as above i said
Listening to gossip can be bad for my faith approving it laught at it what gossiper is saying to me and i did conffes this indeed now that s why i am asking all this to help me here
before i finish explaining i have an question
What s best approach here when above i said about argue or gossip should i go close to person whu s name calling each other and tell them polite way that its sin and not good of course again polite way to not be self righteous assertive way
i normaly explain that it offends our savior what s done so on i hope you will understand i am talking about i appreciate your time hope someone can give me tips this is very important to me because i want to learn things
What are your toughs
Please dont say its none of your bussniess because we are obligated by spirtual work of mercy to do that! church says so and the bible
To not confuse what i meant i add this
Whu i am talking about is freinds or family to not misunderstand
Lets say two people argue in your presence and when we do nothing i learned that we commit sin because we didnt react
either we did laugh at it,praise it,making joke about it and approved it all that i learned is dangerous for our spiritual life aka faith
Many times i feelt that i was suposted to correct yet here s the problem when there s brutal name calling argue should i yell to stop the argument polite way telling bother afther all its for their good afther i remove my plank of eye of course conffes my sin then i can tell that its sin if there is sin with care and respect of course showing catechism if it needs
Part 2
In gossiping this can be big problem i am not shure how to correct that between two people we know and i do know i need to correct still of course for this to i learned we must do it and i fough this my self that s why because of my self i feel i have obligation to do it that it doesnt affect me even more because i learned just as above i said
Listening to gossip can be bad for my faith approving it laught at it what gossiper is saying to me and i did conffes this indeed now that s why i am asking all this to help me here
before i finish explaining i have an question
What s best approach here when above i said about argue or gossip should i go close to person whu s name calling each other and tell them polite way that its sin and not good of course again polite way to not be self righteous assertive way
i normaly explain that it offends our savior what s done so on i hope you will understand i am talking about i appreciate your time hope someone can give me tips this is very important to me because i want to learn things
What are your toughs
Please dont say its none of your bussniess because we are obligated by spirtual work of mercy to do that! church says so and the bible
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